Chirping Dawn



2 years, 10 months ago


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  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
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NAME Chirping Dawn (aka Dawn, Dawnchirp)
PRONOUNS she/her
AGE young adult
HEIGHT content
BREED Turkish angora mix
GENDER she-cat
ALLEGIANCE independent

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros.

Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros.

Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.


Shunned and exiled by the family she grew up with, Chirping Dawn had to leave behind her true love. She is taken in by a small singapora named Shimmer and begins a new life with her and Shimmer's adopted kitten, Dew.

Phasellus sed lectus sed leo consequat finibus vitae ac ipsum. Vestibulum a elementum mi. Aenean vitae nunc ante. Duis in dictum massa. Donec sollicitudin sodales sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.

Phasellus sed lectus sed leo consequat finibus vitae ac ipsum. Vestibulum a elementum mi. Aenean vitae nunc ante. Duis in dictum massa. Donec sollicitudin sodales sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.

Phasellus sed lectus sed leo consequat finibus vitae ac ipsum. Vestibulum a elementum mi. Aenean vitae nunc ante. Duis in dictum massa. Donec sollicitudin sodales sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

"I refuse to put my trust in her... she supports my ambitions but I wonder why that is."

DEW ally

"Dew does not speak. In fact, they do not bother me at all--apart from my thinking they were a dog at our first meeting due to their large build--so I have nothing against them. Shimmer has not told me how they met, but Dew is utterly devoted to her."

TBN romantic partner (formerly)

"My heart aches for her... I cannot forgive the people that cast me out of my home and forbid me from ever returning. All over an impulsive mistake. We were meant to raise her kits together... I wonder how they have grown. I hope she can forgive me when we are reunited."