Aliyah Larson



2 years, 9 months ago




name Aliyah Larson
age 23 years old
stats 5'9" / 150 lbs
gender cisgender female
pronouns she/her/hers
sexuality bisexual
species chameleon
occupation undercover criminal

Casual / Level-Headed / Cool /Ambitious / Likeable / Deceiving

Aliyah presents herself openly and doesn't put up an obvious front, in spite of what she's hiding. Under the cover of her gas station job, she protects her boss's territory and scares off any trespassers or rival gangs looking to claim the lot. Her underworld business interests are her first priority, but she's not opposed to living a double life during the daytime. In fact, she has plenty of friends who are oblivious to her night-work, and assume she's simply a hard worker being stuck with too many closing shifts. Although she's hiding a large part of who she is, Aliyah doesn't see herself as a liar, and justifies her wrongdoings by claiming everybody has to look out for themselves. That being said, she has certain morals and standards she wouldn't abandon easily, even if asked to by her contract.

Aliyah seperates her personality into roles that she plays, allowing her to switch between versions of herself that are suited for the situation. True to her nature as a chameleon, this ability protects her from being found out, or from being placed in an unfavorable position. When dealing with friends or well-meaning strangers, she's relaxed and makes peace by being more of a listener than an active speaker. She takes more charge when she's making demands, or seeking to intimidate an enemy. There have been cases where she's mistaken a normal customer for a threat, or vice versa, but she's adaptable and quick to recover when she's made a mistake in judgement. Her reliability and talent for playing multiple roles is why her boss has trusted her with such a high-traffic location to protect.

Aliyah typically dresses in layers that can hide weapons or scars, but changes her appearance frequently and has undergone several full identity-changes. She's consistently muscular and keeps to an exercise routine so she can defend herself, and her scars don't change despite her camouflaging ability. While she can change her skin color and morph minor physical changes, these are only temporary, and she has to rely on regular plastic surgery for permanent alterations.

Her past injuries have healed, and she does her best to avoid taking more hits.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut.


She works the graveyard shift at her local gas station, and keeps watch to prevent any threats to the criminal underground below. When necessary, she's also the muscle to prevent any unauthorized access.

She has her own trailer not too far from the gas station she works at.

Work in progress


The island Aliyah was born on was an occupied territory, where native citizens like her were expected to yield to foreign tourists and outside politicians. While she didn't grasp the situation at the time, her experiences have made her loyal to people like her, and she has a strong sense of solidarity with marginalized groups. After leaving the country with her family, she became an activist for those who stayed behind, and protested imperialism throughout her teenage years. As an adult, she reflected on how her passive protests failed to make a difference, and decided to look for more direct solutions.

her search, she was met by a group of organized criminals from the same island, who took advantage of her resentments and convinced her to join them. She's now aware that this group is only concerned with their own financial gains and territory expansions in the city, but doesn't fault her past self for being naive, and enjoys the freedoms afforded to her by being a criminal. While her interests have changed over time, she still resents corrupt officials and wants to use her connections to make a difference. For now, she keeps watch over the gang's headquarters, which lies in the basement of a local gas station.
