


2 years, 10 months ago


"As long as I breathe I will listen to the mountains and the trees."


NAME Takiri


AGE 27

BIRTHDAY unknown



ORIENTATION heterosexual



HEIGHT 165cm/5'5

ORIGIN The Island of Tálilavu 

RESIDENCE  Laramila, Tálilavu 


Takiri is a shaman of the Manyárani tribe. He has a wide knowledge of his shamanic craft and is strongly connected to the spiritual world.


Takiri is led by curiosity and a desire to understand people and places around him. He is a natural explorer and he will often leave his village to wander in search of discovery. Although he doesn't mind social situations, he's ultimately very private and doesn't open up to people easily. Usually, he is rather calm and rarely loses his temper. He stays thoughtful in expressing himself most of the time, allowing his emotions to come to the surface only in private or extreme situations.


  • Aspiration. I work hard to be the best there is at my craft
  • Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge.
  • Free Thinking. Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress.


  • An injury to the unspoiled wilderness of my home is an injury to me.
  • I would die to recover an ancient artefact of my faith that was lost long ago.
  • My family, clan, or tribe is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me.


  • I'd risk too much to uncover a lost bit of knowledge.
  • Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy.

Important notes

Please DO

  • draw him with Pavati ♥
  • experiment with his clothing and accessories; the only requirement is that they should reflect his occupation (a shaman) and fit tribal aesthetics
  • experiment with his hair; braid it or add feathers and beads
  • experiment with his body and face paint patterns, but please keep it blueish

Please DON'T

  • ship him with other characters; he's destined to be with Pavati
  • change his body type and skin colour


  • PAVATI ♥
  • NATURE: long walks through the woods always bring him joy
  • THINGS: he likes collecting things from simple feathers to pricy crystals


Takiri was born into the Manyárani tribe and grew up manifesting extraordinary shamanic skills. He was taken as an apprentice by Taruka, a renowned shaman of his tribe, and spent most of his life under her training and mentorship. Occupied with mastering his skills, he did not partake in most of the social life, unless it concerned assisting Taruka in her duties or rituals. He grew to prefer the quiet solace of his own company, often leaving the village to wander the woods and explore the wilderness, fascinated by what lies beyond the land he knew. 

His sensitivity to the spiritual world grew significantly during his training, to the point when he started suffering from repeated headaches caused by the overwhelming and unbearably vivid presence of spirits.


  • His name, Takiri/Taquiri comes from the Quechua language and means "he who creates music and dance", which has actually little to do with his occupation
  • His parents, Rumi and Illika, went missing a long time ago and little is known of them.
  • The moonstone necklace he wears is a gift from his mother. The stone has been passed down through generations and is most likely hundreds of years old.


  • He can perceive both the physical and spiritual plane and is very sensitive to the spirits' presence.
  • He can sense the auras of the recently dead.
  • He has a wide knowledge of plants and animals, the weather, and natural cycles.
  • He's a skilled herbalist and healer.
  • He has an excellent memory for maps and geography, and he can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around him.
  • He can play pan flute and other types of flute.

Appearance and design notes

The most noticeable thing is probably his waist-long, thick dark hair. He likes to braid it and try out different hairstyles, often decorating it with beads or feathers. His eyes are ebony, almost black in certain light. His face has sharp features - high and prominent cheekbones, a strong jaw and a nose hump. He also wears a goatee, which he likes to keep quite short and tidy. His body is slim and slightly athletic, but he is not very tall. He wears a teardrop-shaped moonstone necklace. Usually, he's seen in a blue-ish poncho with tribal patterns. He also likes to walk barefoot, so sometimes he protects his feet with a strip cloth. 






Soulmate, lover, destiny Pavati is a half-spirit creature, known to Takiri mostly from the legends of his tribe and the island. His wanderlust eventually led him to encounter Pavati, who tried to seduce him as any other lost traveller, but something stopped her in her tracks. From that moment their relationship grows stronger every night - would Pavati abandon her spirit form to be with him forever?