
6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info








Realm of Azurel


Horseback trainer


Candace (belonging to ColorfulCyclone)

Sexual Orientation


Creation Date

2012/ 2013?

Special Ability

Can Enter and interact in other people's dreams


Striker is one of the few characters that "Chose" me. After a series of re-occurring dreams that spanned 4 nights in a row, he became an official character. 

Origin: The first night it was a normal run-of-the-mill horse dream for me. Usually running into every possible delay that leads to me being unable to go riding (I don't know why this happens, I've been on a horse plenty of times, so it's not like my brain is telling me "you don't know what that's like") I was in an indoor riding ring like back in the days of my horseback lessons in middle school. He was all tacked up and ready to go into the ring, when I realized he wasn't wearing horse shoes. the whole dream revolved around trying to get him into some horseshoes. The second night it was the same place with the same horse. got him tacked up and made sure he had his shoes. I led him into the ring, and he pulled a couple of tricks and somehow got out of his bridle, and he had his stomach distended so his girth wasn't properly tightened. I was frustrated, but he seemed amused as I couldn't seem to get him back into his tack properly. The third night was again the same place with the same horse. he was all tacked up, shoes on, everything as tight as it should be.I lead him into the ring, and he immediately takes off into a gallop, freeing himself from my hold on his reins. I was frustrated as I chased him around the ring, as he amusingly whinnied all the way. The Fourth and last night it was in the same place with the same horse. I didn't bother with his tack, and he willingly trotted into the ring, playfully galloping about. I shake my head and stand outside the ring, behind the wall. "I give up." I say with a sigh, but I seem amused watching him. he looks at me and seems to smile, "Aw, you don't want to play with me?" I'm taken aback. "You can talk?" I watch him flick his tail at me as he whinnied in amusement. "The Name's Striker! And Don't You Forget It!" and with that, he galloped away to the other side of the ring. The next day I was playing the Sims 3, playing with the "Create a Horse" in the Pets Expansion. and I got a model of what he looked like. the voice echoed in my head, "The Name's Striker! And Don't You Forget It!". And just like that he came to be a character. From time to time Sriker still trolls my dreams. I don't exactly know what it means, but hes there sometimes. In one dream he was able to shape-shift! 

Personality: Striker is a clown. He is an all-around comic relief. He is immature more times than not, but his feelings are never faked.