
2 years, 9 months ago


Full name
Julian Dalley



Birth year

17 EY/11 NY (L/W/W)

Oxford, England

Old Narnians


King consort of Susan




Julian is one of the main characters that I write for in a Chronicles of Narnia roleplay.

On his tenth birthday, his brother Oliver is killed while training to be a pilot for the Royal Air Force, and he later cuts off his relationship with his parents as soon as he enters adulthood. In Narnia, he is known as a master of the deep magic, armed with only a spell book that contains such. His physical appearance is altered whenever he uses it, striking intimidation into his opponents. He and Susan live as husband and wife during the Golden Age, making him a King consort. Julian is an extremely complicated individual, with symptoms of PTSD, OCD, and IED. Though his confidence level improves a bit over time, and he does begin to show a kinder and more open side, he is still very insecure. He often hides his true feelings and refuses to speak of his past, as he is still quite haunted by it, usually reacting with anger whenever it is brought up. He always wears his brother’s dog tags and carries around some other mementos, keeping them secure at all times. He tries his hardest to keep himself at bay as much as he can, but he proves to be a force to be reckoned with when he is pushed to his limits.








Julian doesn’t like people or things that he doesn’t trust and takes a quick dislike to someone when he sees that they hide secrets from everyone else. He can also be extremely tactless at times, willing to go to great lengths just to prove himself right. Regardless of his high standards, Julian’s views are often well-founded from his natural insightfulness. Very shrewd, he is able to perceive a situation quickly at first glance and likewise quickly determine an effective means to handle it. His perfectionist tendencies appear to stem from insecurities in his life. Not fitting in with the glamorous lifestyle of his family, Julian is determined to make a life for himself in his own way. Despite his occasional tactlessness, Julian’s perfectionist ways do serve him well in avoiding repeats of his past mistakes. When he comes to meet the Pevensie siblings—upon which, enjoying the feeling of people accepting him in a closer relationship than mere associates—he begins showing a kinder and more open side. He makes considerable efforts to improve his social skills, though they often come at the expense of him making a fool of himself in the process, much to his chagrin and the occasional amusement of his newfound friends.



Julian comes from a wealthy family and was expected to inherit a large sum of money built up from past generations on his father’s side, despite being the second-born son. This money would have gone to his brother Oliver, who was meant to take over as the head of their father’s business, but instead goes to Julian after Oliver is killed. However, Julian is an “odd duck” and would rather go down his own path than deal with formalities. Once he reaches age seventeen, he moves to London to finish school and buys himself an apartment. Because of Julian’s decision to go against his father’s wishes, he ultimately cuts off their relationship and goes into adulthood on his own. Since receiving word about Oliver’s death—which occurs on Julian’s tenth birthday—he has not spoken to his mother, though he still loves her very much. To this day he rarely speaks about Oliver or any other part of his past, as these things prove to be much too troubling for him.


I don’t know how to put in sub bullets so I’ll just do it this way.

  • Julian is the only character I’ve created who has any sort of mental issue**, let alone multiple:
  • **Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): He has frequent flashbacks of his dead brother and often hears his voice in his head. He also is extremely vulnerable to sudden mood swings and feels a strong need to constantly apologize to people, which proves to be rather annoying at times.
  • **Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): He fixates on things. It’s extremely difficult for him to pull himself back to reality once the anxiety from his thoughts sets in.
  • **Intermittent explosive disorder (IED): He has repeated and sudden outbursts of anger, usually lasting for a few minutes at a time. They are often preceded by his racing thoughts, and sometimes he will even get a bit violent and throw things. Afterwards, he feels an overwhelming sense of relief and tiredness, but also regret and remorse.
  • As a child, Julian’s brother Oliver used to call him “Juls.” This is something that he keeps to himself (among many other things), and not even Susan is aware of his nickname.
  • Julian always wears his brother’s dog tags around his neck but keeps them hidden underneath his shirt. He also carries around an old photograph and a letter dedicated to him from his brother, as he cherishes all of these things deeply.
  • When everyone receives their gifts from Father Christmas, Julian is given a spellbook that contains some of Narnia’s deep magic.
  • The effectiveness of Julian’s spellbook is completely dependent on how focused he is. Whenever he does use the book, his appearance changes—his hair brightens to a platinum blonde color, his eyes become an icy blue, and his skin turns much paler (see image). The moment his mind is distracted, however, his appearance instantly reverts back to normal and he cannot unleash his magic again until he is able to fully concentrate.
  • The various types of spells that Julian can use are based on those used by Robin in the Fire Emblem series.


Oliver Dalley [ older brother; deceased ]

At the ripe age of eighteen, Oliver began training to be a fighter pilot for the Royal Air Force. His training was intense, but Oliver was always determined to push through. About four years later—and a few short days away from finishing—he encountered a mechanical issue during one of his practice flights. One of the primary controls suddenly jammed and was locked into a forward position, which caused the aircraft to veer out of his control and plummet down towards the ground. Tragically, Oliver could not fix the problem in time, and the plane crashed, killing him instantly. He was just 22 years old.

Susan Pevensie [ wife ]

Also known as Queen Susan the Gentle, she and her siblings shared rule of Narnia for fifteen years before exiting back through the wardrobe. During this time, she and Julian began a romantic relationship in secret and even held a small wedding ceremony. After some failed attempts to start a family, Julian was able to conjure up a spell that would bless them with a child when Aslan would not. This would sadly prove to be unsuccessful as well, however, as it resulted in a miscarriage. Back on Earth, they would later go on to have a son, naming him Oliver after Julian’s brother.