


7 years, 1 month ago


Tasu is one of my more energetic characters who I think I've drawn the most of my own in general.

Designed when I needed a character that was easier to draw in 2015. I JUST REALIZED I MISSED THEIR BIRTHDAY FRICKDANGIT.

The character I've probably drawn the most of my own characters because I have a habit of creating new characters and only drawing them once, whoops.

They are very upbeat and energetic, they sometimes hang around Lilac and pester her a lot.
Somewhat smirk-y. (I was going to say smug because it rolls of the tongue easier, but they are not really prideful. I wonder if there even is a word for what I mean.)
Tasu levitates.

These are not so important but some things about them:
They never change out of that sweater-dress-thing. They can put things on or over it though, like accessories, jackets, more sweaters.
They have never showed their left eye or their hands/arms.
Tasu never touches the ground but they can pick up and interact with objects. 
They just prefer to not touch the ground for a prolonged amount of time.

(How many times did I freaking draw them holy heck. I have even more digital files and traditional art laying around that I need to get around to upload.)

-To be edited when I have more time. Yes I'm one of these people.-