Achilles's Comments



Help the demon cat is next to me

run while you can

She's sleeping

What this is so pretty

Tysm ^^

awwww (feel free 2 look thru my th)

3 simple fulls, a bust, a headshot/badge, and a HQ custom :)

They're so pretty probably has become a dreamie :'o

Highly considering :O


Sorry, but I decided to accept someone else's offer !! If they were to drop, would you like me to let you know?

Prefectly ok! And yes please let me know I would like to know any chance I could get them, thank you for the opportunity ^^

Alright !! Thank you for your interest! And no problem. 

1 Replies

The previously accepted offer was dropped, are you still interested and are you still fine with your current offer?

I can still do it <3

It'll just take a lot longer that usual since I'll be on Vacation starting tomorrow through a weekish? I can get the headshot probably done today though! And the rest after I get back, so what would you like me to draw and what moodbored/color palette would you like for the custom?

Of course if your fine with a little wait! ^^" (I might be able to get some of the offers done though out the week because I will have my tablet/promise internet as well! All depends)

Alright, that's fine by me! Take as long as you'd like, I'd hate for these to stress you out :)

For the fullbodies, could you please draw,, and

For the bust could you please draw

For the badge could you please draw

And the the custom could you please base it off of This?

Thank you ^^


All of them are adorable I'll be happy to draw them! Seems good to me!

I'll get that badge started now! Would you like a background for it? It wouldn't take much longer but I'll think it'll be easier to see the lighter character, perfectly fine if not ^^

Welp I did a background, I can give a version without it if you like! I'm sending the headshot shortly ^^

Edit: OH YEAH! I forgot to ask if I could upload all pieces to the art website I use to draw? It's a social media of sorts

Feel free to do the badge's background if you haven't already, and no need to send me a version without it ^^

And sure, I don't mind :D

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Considering ^^

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Sure !!

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How long would the hold be & is anyone offlimits?

6 Replies