


2 years, 9 months ago


Prince Vilkas is the only son of Aleu and Dimitri, heir to the throne, and... a very interesting fellow.

He grows from a rather shy, timid kid into a nonchalant, perpetually tired guy who has more interest in books than in fighting. He's pretty anti social, and would prefer sitting in a tree to the stuffy events of royalty. He's a bit lazy and doesn't let any air of concern seep through his demeanor 

Despite his front, he does deeply care about those around him and can worry. He worries a lot about both of his parents, and their health, since they're both so prone to working till exhaustion. Part of his nonchalant attitude is in part not to worry them even more. Because they're both so emotional and empathetic, he finds it's much easier to both handle them and keep them from worrying when he's calm.

Vilkas is cunning and lacks a lot of the honor known of Faerghus. He's known for wandering streets and slums, and being able to trick bandits with no effort at all. His appearance is anything but intimidating- droopy eyed, moppy haired, and a bit feminine- but his attitude after a well planned out scheme makes those who face him shit their pants.

He still has the strength of the Blaiddyd bloodline, and a bit of the perks from being part Vargr too. Though because he often skips out on training, he's not the most seasoned fighter. 

The scar on his hand came from an accident when he was a kid, and when it's uncovered he starts to get nervous (and begins scratching at it as well.) 

 He doesn't want to be a Prince, and loathes the responsibility of handling a kingdom. He and his father butt heads on this, though it doesn't get too heated (Dimitri is gentle and Vilkas just doesn't get heated over anything.) Aleu is much more sympathetic towards his feelings, but doesn't really do much to help, causing some feelings of betrayal.

Vilkas is absolutely stoner energy. Idk he's just, got funny weed man vibes.