Joon Park



2 years, 10 months ago



Name Joon Park
Age 24
Gender queer
Pronouns they/shew
Sexuality bi
Height 174cm
Birthday 17 January 1996
P.O.B. Jacksonville, California
Zodiac Capricorn
Occupation full time runaway
Sire Cassy
Clan Volgirre
Sect Sabbat

❝ Maecenas rhoncus hendrerit bibendum.❞

Embraced by a (now-) former lover, Joon gets thrown into kindred life violently by being forced into a bat race. But winning won't keep her from the horrors of the sabbat. So now, she does her best to run away from it all with the only person she still cares about, Andrew.


  • industrial music
  • dancing & partying
  • working out
  • Andrew


  • The SystemTM
  • Her boss & work
  • overly religious talk


Killed and embraced by her lover during a heated moment, Joon's start into unlife is an unhappy one. Thankfully, she had already learned a few things during her lifetime and is ready to protect herself and her new friends/aquaintances/coworkers in this war she had been thrown into. And truthfully, she might even be having fun, ripping out people's hearts under the guise of self defense. The disassembly of the human body had been weirdly fascinating lately, maybe even pretty. Still, she won't just take the cards she's been dealt! Joon is constantly looking for a way to improve her situation. Loyal to her pack, she's going to make sure to take her new friends along to whereever their new life will take them. Hopefully, it will be far, far away from their sires.

Risk Taker

Violence is nothing new to the young Toreador. Joon's been willing to twist the rules for a while, spending her teen years breaking and entering, beating the living shit out of whoever looked at her the wrong way and trying whatever illegal substance she could get her hands on. Of course, she had to leave a few things behind as she grew up. Now she's living the boring life as a secretary for a tech CEO, making enough money to live comfortably enough.

A Loss of Humanity

It's easy for Joon to leave her human life behind - she's been getting lonelier and unhappier by the year. If only she wouldn't be forced to fight, she could enjoy the endless nights by partying and hunting the prettiest, most desperate things around.



Season One ∙  Band/Singer

Song Title 2  ∙  Band/Singer


  • Surprisingly good at lockpicking
  • Pellentesque ullamcorper sit amet mi eget accumsan.
  • Morbi finibus sit amet sapien sit amet pulvinar.
  • Nam consectetur in arcu ut vestibulum. Nulla varius placerat.
  • Morbi tempus sed lorem non rhoncus.
  • Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.




Andrew is the one person Joon feels like she can rely on to have her back. While he might not be the smartest, she will always want to hear his opinion on a plan. What started out as a union of convenience soon turned into actual friendship and now, Joon can't imagine bearing the pressure of their situation without him.



Joon wants to trust Cam, she really wants to. They are both stuck in this shit situation and technically, they should want the same thing. Still, her little 'angel' keeps doing things that leave Joon utterly confused, or worse, angry. How can she trust that when push come to shove, Cam will keep her safe and not stake her? Joon doesn't know.



While their relationship started with Sal wanting to get rid off the Fledglings, the nossie has done so much for the two toreadors, Joon literally owes her her life.


The other's sires

The other fledgling's sire do nothing but confuse Joon. Same goes for Eve who clearly does not care for the sucess of the jobs she assigns them. It's either incompetence, indifference or their loyalties lie outside the sabbat and Joon doesn't know which of those three options is preferable.



Never forget, Never forgive. It's hard to repress what had happened but she can't run away from it forever. Joon knows how far Cassy will go, how much joy she derives from cruel, useless pain. As long as Cassy is still walking on this earth, Joon won't feel save.

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