
2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Aspen

Age: 9 years old

Tribe: Leafwing

Gender: Female

Prounouns: She/Her,

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: yes but Spoilers!

Mother: Birch

Father: Oak

Siblings: BonsaiĀ 

Abilities: minor leafspeak

Occupation: Student at Jade Mountain Academy

Personality: Social, can be mean at times, Fiesty, Sarcastic, loyal, friendly

Friends: Spiritseeker, Sakura, Sapphire, Kite, River, Flurry, Crimson.

Enemies: Powerweilder, Corrupt.

Fears: being powerless, betrayal, fire(minor)

Facts: She has a small fear of fire because of the stories that were once told about the trees burning down in her home continent, she has never acually been to Pantala, her parents moved from there to the rainforest in pyrria and she was born there.