Star Sailor



2 years, 11 months ago


Set your heart ablaze.
elder god
Star Sailor
Laisse Faire
single ;]
Stars, curiosity

Chasing after new adventures and learning more: Venir isn't nearly as stupid as he displays himself to be, he's just quite delighted to be here is all.

  • Bubbly
  • Curious
  • Eager
  • Chaotic

By all means- of all the gods, surprisingly he's one of the more put together ones. Even though he may be seen as childish, lazy, and chasing after silly things- he is actually quite the effective worker. While he may not always be engaged, he still is organizing work carried out by his constellations. Most of them are independant but he still does routine checks with them to see how they are contributing to the pantheon. He may be hands off, but he's a little organized.

Venir misses his brothers quite a bit, due to family drama, all the brothers are scattered about the galaxy, even if he's the youngest of his group- he still holds a lot of power, and that is displayed as he created the constellations: with the allowed go from Mother Nature herself- Venir takes broken pieces of her and creates new gods. Although he is no longer their boss- some still chose to stay with him and work by his side, not all of them but he still has a group. He loves them like they are his children.

  • [List of Comissionable Constellations]

  • Orion [Missing]
  • Pyxis
  • Gemini
  • Aquarius
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces
  • Draco [Missing]
  • Columba
  • Aquila
As his twin brother- Venir is very close to Vei. Although they do not talk often anymore due to Venir's edventures- when they do meet up? They are both thrilled, just as if time hasn't passed.

Capricorn is someone that Venir is often concerned about. He cares about her and appreciates the help he gets from her, but he is worried that she doesn't really- go out and do what SHE would like, even if she likes working for him- he tries introducing her to new horizons.

Venir doesn't know where she went and maybe she's just doing her own thing now- but he does miss her, she never said goodbye and the last time he saw her- she went out on due to a comission.
  • Adventuring
  • New experiences
  • New friends
  • Boats
  • His Constellations
  • Secrecy
  • Liars
  • Lonliness
  • Restrictiveness
  • Broken things
  • Literally being called the "star sailor" he does in fact have a ship.
  • And yes, he's a space pirate.
  • He once was the boss of his constellations but he gave them the choice to either stay with him or do what they want.
  • He really does care about them and just wants them to be happy.
  • He doesn't really miss people but he gets excited when they're there.
He isn't the smartest- thats his twin brother, eheh- but he is very happy to learn more.
While he is confident in himself- he doesn't have a big head about it... for the most part. He knows credit where credit is due.
God, he probably loves puns and dad jokes-
Speaks for itself.
He isn't mean about it but he gets frustrated when things don't go up to speed.
Rather sensitive and he doesn't find a point in trying to hide it.
What does he do as a god?
Venir is greatly renown for his creation of the constellations, not only that but he manages the constellations that go on to work under other gods that call for assistance; a sort of comissioning service in hopes to support the pantheon.

What is he looking for if he's exploring the cosmos?
Anything and everything!... in all reality, his real motive is to look for his missing brother, yes- he finds things along the way and often just checks in on his constellations- but otherwise he's looking for his brother to fix his family, bring them all together.

Why did he make the consellations?
He was asked to from Mother Nature, since he was capable of creating gods- of all the elder gods, Venir is one of the more capable ones that has the ability to break apart and put gods together, which is a very powerful gift but in Mother Nature asking- he was very willing to help because she was overwhelmed with her soul and how much of it she couldn't contain. It was killing her.

Are the constellations his children?
If you asked him, he's probably laugh it off. He sees them as his children but he knows fully and well that he isn't, gods aren't typically dubbed as parents when they donate a part of themselves to create a new god/when they make gods, it depends- but he likes the idea of being a father.
I haven't been everywhere, but its on my list.