Raine Keller's Comments

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Ooh, this OC is so pretty! What offers do you accept for them (or any of your UFO OC’s in general)?

I can offer art (2 flat fulls maximum), characters from my UFO folder, or a creature custom!

on all my ocs in the UFT folder, i accept these kinds of offers

USD (paypal), Art/customs/oc trades, closed species currency (mostly Lumishards, and Stardust (magiis), and CS characters (Magii, Lumythew mostly)

Could you link me to some examples of your artwork? :o 

Nine of the links are working ^^' 

Oh boy >.< 

I keep having this problem; despite my best efforts to figure out what the heck is going on. Could I potentially send character links that I have designed and that the vast majority of art is from instead? If that doesn't work, I'll just have to resort to Discord or Email! I'm flexible, but I want to make sure that I'm not annoying/demanding first! Thank you for bearing with me 0.0

discord is fine with me!
I'm in the Kulperas server as Rainestorme (staff) so feel free to hmu there!

*none whoops typo