
Fujiro Michiro


Sweet Little Bumblebee

Name Fujiro
Sexuality Biromantic Asexual
Gender Male
Age 26
Height 6'3
Race Blasian
Role Former Kakushi
Demeanor Sweet, Upbeat
HTML Pinky

Fujiro is a very outgoing and care - filled person , with compassion and care he shares with everyone around him not failing to put a smile on everyone's faces. He's shy and softspoken - but very bright at the same time and never fails to demonstrate how far his kindness truely goes. He's careful with his words and actions, often reserving them if he feels they would upset someone. He's emotionally smart as well as medically. He's the definition of a gentle giant - always so careful with the strength he and his words bare to actually do anything intimidating. He's very lovable and cheerful! Even in the darkest moments he tries to look on the bright side of things - finding a shred of light in the darkest hour. He knows how to comfort people and is very good at it - He always can tell if somethings wrong with someone. Despite this, he struggles with his own self image and worth. He questions his strength and contribution in the corps, all of his abilities always get thrown into question whenever he overthinks. He is cowardly in the face of danger - even as he has gotten better throughout his time working with demons, part of him still freezes up when faced with his opponent.



  • Honey
  • Bees
  • Fireflies
  • Clear Skies


  • Storms
  • Mushrooms
  • Fighting
  • Salt

Fujiro is a former kakushi! His breathing style is Insect Breathing!! He doesn't fight with poison, instead its pure strength. His weapon of choice is two dual wielded blades, both significally shorter than the standard nichirin blade as seen in the corps.


Fujiro was orphaned at a young age and taken in by the Kocho family alongside his sister, due to their family ties of being long family friends. The death was a sudden and shocking one, both taken from demons long into the night whilst returning home with supplies and food. Fujiro grew and trained besides the Kocho sisters as he grew. However, during final selection he became horrified of all the demons he saw that he couldn’t bring himself to go through with it. he resigned to being a demon corps kakushi instead, he is a lot taller and bulker then the others he works with. He learned and found a new passion in medcine and taking care of others. The events following Kanae's death were devestating and he found himself cowering into himself once more. That was, until, he had a talk with Haruto, who wasn’t a pillar just yet. Haruto torn into him with brutally honesty - which was harsh, but Fujiro came to learn it was what he needed to hear. Thats when he had decided to become a demon slayer despite his fears, using his strength and knowledge of medicine to help people.


Unnamed Parents

Fujiro doesn't remember much of his birth parents besides the what he had been told by the Kocho family - The only thing he remembers is arriving at their residence with a young Chihiro alongside him. Everything he was told was that they were people of medicine, travelling around and helping out with charity whereever they could - it is where his passion for medicine sparked from. Fujiro was born before his mother had met her husband, to which they then had Chihiro

Chihiro Michiro

His younger sister!! He absolutly adores her and protects her with his life - he was very much against her joining the corps and felt reluctance allowing her to participate in the demon corps. Luckily, she proved to be rather strong - which was unsuprising, she was his sister afterall! and surrounded by some of the greatests swordsmen and swordswomen known to man. They are very playful with one another and have a healthy relationship. He doesn't suffocate her - he just wishes she would be more careful and less clumsy.

The Kocho Family

The Kochos are considered family to the Michiros, and vice versa. They grew up together afterall - Fujiro was the closest to Kanae, who gifted him the same pendants in his hair he still wears to this very day. After her passing, he grew protective of Shinobu and worry for her. He always checks in with her and makes sure not to disappear - espessially when he deems it when she needs him the most. He treats Shinobu like a younger sister, despite her overranking him in strength as well as the corps.

  • He smells like honey!
  • He makes terriums.
  • He surivives, but is blinded when a demon slashes his eyes.
  • He unintentionally became the local demon corps therapist.
  • He adores sweet foods!! Primarily anything sugary that Mitsuri brings with her!

Chihiro Michiro

His younger sister!! He absolutly adores her and protects her with his life - he was very much against her joining the corps and felt reluctance allowing her to participate in the demon corps. Luckily, she proved to be rather strong - which was unsuprising, she was his sister afterall! and surrounded by some of the greatests swordsmen and swordswomen known to man. They are very playful with one another and have a healthy relationship. He doesn't suffocate her - he just wishes she would be more careful and less clumsy. She means well, but he is always cleaning up after her!!


Haruto Kazutoki

The new flower pillar is certainly... different, then Kanae was. However, Haruto knew the former flower pillar as well. Fujiro doesn't understand the man and his short temperment against the world, but figures that if Kanae liked him, he must be a good person deep down. The two formed a friendship after Kanae's passing, meeting again when Fujiro offically dawned the corps uniform he was oh so afriad of years ago - Haruto teaches him how to be stronger physically and mentally, even if Fujiro doesn't take kindly to his way of teaching.


Atsuki Naruki

Atsuki was such a nice change in pace, they met soon after he offically took on the title of corps member he was offered so many years ago, Atsuki pulled him aside as he saw the other was overwhelmed and helped calm him down - just relaxing and helping the other man simply go with the flow. Fujiro appericiates Atsuki, even if at some points he finds the other to be dense. He's kind, and certainly smarter then others take him for. Still - it was shocking to him that the man he met that day turned out to be one of the Hashira.