
Taka Ikumi


Douma's Human Shield

Name Taka
Sexuality Gay
Gender Male
Age 35
Height 5'6, human 6', demon
Race Japanese
Role Antagonist
Demeanor Cold, Manipulative
HTML Pinky

the man is very cold and calm at most times. he's usually very quiet and usually doesn't speak unless spoken to. this characteristic of his can also be seen as him being shy which he denies fully . he isn't shy whatsoever , he just doesn't speak much . he's stern and disciplined , a respected figure in the cult who seemingly always keeps his head and saves face . he is very quick to point out someone's faults and flaws in a blunt , often snarky or backhanded statement . he's insanely good with children , he can stop their screaming in mere seconds. though , he has very little patience with anyone else in the cult . he has a superiority complex - seeing them mostly as fools or somewhat sheep in this context , he sees himself as the only real person to actually exist in the eternal paradise , besides douma .he can be smug about some things but for the most part he keeps negative personality traits like that hidden to keep up his perfect image. he often hides his smiles and laughter behind his sleeve , not daring to break his persona . he can get worked up easily. being a bodyguard 24/7 with no breaks gets exhausting. he is VERY manipulative and controlling. he's a control freak - if he doesn't have control over the people around him or someone attempts to take it from him. he's cruel - the sympathy he bares can only go so far. he won't hesitate ending someone else's life if hes ordered to or if he simply deems it necessary. he's masochistic, as well as sadistic. you kinda have to be when you're in his position. despite seeming emotionless , he is quite the contrast to douma . his emotions , while hidden , are big . mainly negative - such as resentment, anger and spite , as well as his sense of self and pride . his persona only ever breaks during massive fights - primarily the one with shinobu / inosuke and kanao .



  • Sashimi
  • Respect
  • Douma
  • Obediance


  • Disrespect
  • Stains
  • Lying
  • Loud people

demon blood technicians;

Mind Manipulation, it isn't so much as physical as it is psychological , thats not to say taka isn't strong . he has four arms for a reason . but taka's blood art specializes in breaking down whoever he comes into contact with , picking on their insecurities , guilts and doubts until they become weak enough for him to control . you could call it a hive mind of some sort , were he communicates and keeps people within it in check . anyone strong of mind or the ability to break out of it easily isn't so easy affected though , even if it is living through past trauma all for taka to feel a sense of control . people can get let out if he feels as though that sense is threatened . his blood art is like this due to douma being mainly the muscle , taka sees this as more practical .

forms: Mind Leeching, The Remover of Faith, The Sensibility of Isolation, Loss of Self, and The Eyes of the Ever-watching God.

His weapons include two blades, neatly seated nicely on his back for better access . a longer , fancier sword ,held in his hand at all times . this one is mostly used for decoration as well as for intimation purposes . he notes that this was in fact a gift from the uppermoon . four mini daggers, located on both the left and right side of his belt for easy access


the ikumi family has been in the cult for generations, each firstborn son was sworn to protect the leader and was raised by birth to do such as that , even being raised with the idea to die for him planted in their brains from a young age. taka's parents vanished soon after he became the next protector at the age of 20. they had fled as soon as they could due to finding out the cult's true nature and who they had been protecting all these years in an accidental walk in. they left their son behind due to how the conditioned him and didn't even tell him since they knew how loyal he was to douma. they had attempted to leave earlier but after witnessing another women being chased down due to her same discovery the knew they couldn't for the safety of everyone. so instead they waited for the night where he was honored the position of guardian and fled into the night never to be seen again. taka views this as them being disappointed in him as they never gave any explanation why they just left without a trace. taka is the only one now left in the eternal paradise cult of the ikumi bloodline, and the first in his family to truely be considered something vile. all before him never wanted the life they had, but Taka relishes in it and takes a massive pride in what he does.


His parents are unnamed as he disownced them as his parents when they vanished the way they did, many believe that he maybe had something to do with their disappearance, but no one knows for certain if that is the case what so ever. He knows for a fact his parents never liked him - his father was always hard on him and forced him to train and spar until his fingers bled, and his mother could never look him in the eyes. Everyone just stood watch, Taka can confidently say he hated all of them and secretly wished for their disappearance for years. His mother tried to kill him once, attempting to strangle her own son while all he did as stare down at her as she struggled to bring herself to squeeze his neck before ultimately falling to her knees in a sob.

  • He plays with his loose hairs and braid when he's deep in thought.
  • When he gets stressed or simply too overwhelmed with some certain emotions - he'll start to scratch his neck. this can escalate into it bleeding as he scratches at it subconsciously when he's talking. because of this, he often times has marks on his neck. this trait followed him into becoming a demon, only difference is it escalated into him actually clawing at it.
  • He can be seen waiting in death for Douma, though his expression seems to be the same as its always been, Douma notes that this time he can truly see that he was angry. This is due to the stuff with Shinobu, which he was reasonably angry about. It can be concluded that Taka will chew Douma out in hell , possibly ignoring him till the end of time there. It was going to be a very long afterlife for both of them.
  • He is guilty of all of the deadly sins , despite his image of being a pure guardian angel in the cult.
  • Taka first appears as a human in the fan-made festival arc, but in his next role in the story he is seen as a demon. He always told Douma to not turn him into a demon due to the fact that the demon could not step into the sun in search for the blue spider lily. However, due to Muzan's urgancy and growing anger, he was turned just before the Shinobu/Douma fight.
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Taka doesn't exactly believe in gods or paradise, having it shoved into his head throughout his childhood made him despise it. He isn't exactly surprised nor seems to care when its revealed to be a cult, already somewhat knowing it was a scam. Douma is annoying. plain and simple. he finds it funny to poke fun and annoy his seemingly unamused guard all day. he often calls him his jester and tells him to make him laugh or sing something which insults taka greatly - yet still he is somehow charmed by this. he can't explain it. as unprofessional it is he feels something for the person he has sworn to protect. The two men are both insanely nasty, having no care for the world or how they effect others with how they behave and act, using people as simple tools they can use to move themselve's forewards in life or rather just for their own entertainment. Taka views the world as it is, to him, no one around him is real. The only 'real' person he ever met is Douma himself. The world is rotten and full of stupid people, he puts himself above them because he wasn't fooled by the cult's lies and was able to see it as it was, a cult. Meanwhile Douma finds entertainment and takes a curious interest in Taka, such odd behavior for a human certainly caught his eye.


Sadakuno Yaichiro

Taka is a mysterious figure that takes an interest in sadakuno once he is saved by him - he calls him pitiful and offers to help him find solace in a higher power to which Sadakuno declines. Unknowing to Sadakuno, he let a dangerous man that is tied to a dangerous cult that worships a demon as their god. taka blamed to get him into the cult due to seeing how strong he was - as well as the fact he was a pillar. He doesn’t push farther as to not draw any suspicion, promising that they would see eachother again, and disappears until a later arc where Sadakuno sees him as a demon and begins to collect the dots - as well as blaming himself for all the deaths he caused due to him being the one who let Taka go. It is then Sadakuno's job to slay the very man he allowed to walk away, in some twisted way they did end up meeting again. Taka uses his bloodart to mess with Sadakuno's head, using all the people he lost in his life against him.

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Most likely the only other demon Taka was able to connect to in some way, if he was even capable of that that was. They both share an obession with power, both in different ways. With Akaza's, physical power. With Taka, power over people. It was a mutual characteristic the two knew they both shared, that and as well as their somewhat annoyance with Uppermoon Two. They never spoke to each other, nor did Akaza witness Taka as a demon, though he always knew he would make a strong one one day. The only time they ever saw each other was whenever Taka either insisted on occompying Douma to the Uppermoon Meetings (with Muzan's permission), or if for whatever reason one or the other had to visit each other. They respect one another, but that is the most it will ever be.