Marai Ruun



2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Marai Ruun


Concord Dawn system






173 cm (5'7")

Hair colour


Eye colour


Skin colour



Bounty hunter


Mandalorians, Bounty Hunters' Guild


Hair: In a low bun
Civilian clothes: tunic, vest with a fringe, belt, trousers, poncho.


  • No-nonsense. Marai doesn’t joke around. She does her job to specification and doesn’t stick around for the party.
  • Responsible. For example, Marai doesn’t drink on the job and ensures anyone she may work with doesn’t either.
  • Supportive. Marai is a mentor/mom/big sister type and likes to help younger people. She often gives or buys food to street kids.
  • Uncompromising. Marai doesn’t believe in such sayings as “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. She may do jobs for those she doesn’t like, but she won’t do them any favours.
  • Wary of attachment. Marai expects to be left behind like she considers herself to have done to everyone in her life. She has many good acquaintances, but she doesn’t like to rely on others. If she gets involved with someone, it tends to be a “doomed from the start” type relationship, and that’s subconsciously by design.
  • Too young to feel like a has-been; feels like one anyway. Has had some trouble with jobs of late.


  • Blue with purple-red detailing
  • Beskar helmet with a T-visor
  • Beskar breastplate
  • Other plates durasteel


  • Dual WESTAR-35 blaster pistols
  • Mandalorian vambraces (grappling line, mini-missile launcher, paralyzing darts, shield emitter)
  • Z-6 jetpack with a missile launcher


  • Basic supplies
  • Uj cake

Marai Ruun was born 7949 C.R.C on Mandalore to a family of Mandalorian Protectors. Her early upbringing officially followed the New Mandalorian ways, with plans that in time she would study in the Royal Academy of Government and become a Protector like her parents.  More in line with older Mandalorian traditions, she was taught self-defense and started a shooting hobby at an early age. The plans for her future fell through with the Imperial occupation of Mandalore.

The family relocated to the Concord Dawn system. The change was difficult for Marai, who lost contact with many childhood friends and had to acclimate to a very different environment from the Sundari bio-dome and her life on Mandalore. Though she had been friends with some other Protector family children, she now kept them at a distance and concentrated rather single-mindedly on finishing her education, spending most of her free time outdoors on the moon the Protector base was located on.

Ever since moving to the Concord Dawn system, Marai had felt untethered. Rather than prioritising becoming a Protector, in her mid teens took a job helping a family friend, a merchant; a job that took her out of the Concord Dawn system and let her see the galaxy. On her travels, she did odd side jobs, which eventually expanded into unofficial bounty hunting. Unknowingly, she stole an official bounty hunter’s bounty, which got her—and her employer, for employing her under the table—in trouble. The hunter in question, however, was rather more understanding of a teen’s mistake than the employer’s and helped Marai get recruited by the Bounty Guild.

At age 26, Marai lost her family to Gar Saxon and his Imperial Super Commandos. Upon learning about the events, Marai began shunning Imperial jobs. She did not partake in the Mandalorian resistance, as it was—as Marai saw it—led by the Death Watch. She had a reasonably favourable opinion of the Rebellion, less so about the New Republic.

Though much of Marai’s family died with the Mandalorian Protectors, she is not the sole survivor of her clan, as not all members of her clan were Protectors. Due to the Great Purge, there aren’t many left, however.

Recently Marai has been down on her luck when it comes to jobs, suffering a failure that left her moderately injured. It has impacted her self esteem.


  • Favourite drinks: Blurrgfire, Spiced Surabat Cider
  • Knows Mando’a but is not fluent in it

Avatar from SWTOR for now until I get off my ass and actually draw her.