


6 years, 10 months ago


Bought rights to species for $90 USD 

Name: Fluffoos (CLOSED Species)

- They don't have powers or breathe fire

- Come in different and all colors

- Can be anthro/furry form

- Skilled hunters and like to eat bugs, fruit, flowers, mice, and other small animals

- Can live in hot OR cold places, 


- Frost Fluffoos live in cold places where it can snow a lot. Their fur fluffs will be longer and/or fluffier. 

- Forest Fluffoos live in woods or forest. They live on mice most of the time but can also be caught hunting for birds and rabbits. They are the most skilled hunters out of all the Fluffoos. 

- Island Fluffoos love in tropical places, like by beaches. They eat bugs and fish. They seem to be lighter fur colors, yellows, tans, light blues. 

- Jungle Fluffoos live in jungles! They are the best at climbing compared to other Fluffoos. They also love sleeping in trees. 

- Dark Fluffoos live in caves. They are totally blind in the light. They can only see at night. They also have glowing eyes.

- More Coming Soon