Bree Delattore (Pre Void)



Judith Reed. COD - Poison. 

Judith has always wanted nothing more than to live a normal life. Alas, as the only child to an influential crime family, Judith never was allowed such a luxury. She grew up surrounded by pathological liars keen on keeping their secrets and with crime creeping into every aspect of her life. Her comfort was escapist, perfect little fantasies, lying about the existence of her surrounding problems. Her favorite dream was one where she could run away and leave her family behind- and after befriending Valentine, she almost believed it would come true. The relationship ended poorly, with the young woman being abandoned the night they had promised to leave together. Her family was more than happy to sweep her up and tell her tales how the betrayal was the friend’s intention from the start. Judith. Wanted. Revenge. So, for the first time in her life, she pulled on the strings the distinguished family gave her. The one that she had once called her best friend was killed and swept under the rug; Like they never existed in the first place. But this impulsive choice led to the leverage the Reeds needed to drag her into the family business- if she didn’t follow along, they would tell everyone about her secret. Judith had no choice but to comply. At long last, the Reeds finally had the heir they had always wanted. The longer she was involved with the family business, the tighter their grip grew. The secrets only piled higher and higher. In the end, when Judith died, her existence was denied by the family that had put her in such a position.