


6 years, 8 months ago



Name Fionnghall
Designer Falconheart
Gender Male
Obtainedtrade with butter-dragon
Significant Other None
Rules None provided
Species Spirit (Death Omen)

RoleThe White Stranger


  • it is a spirit and its body can contort and bend in any direction, even very unnatural ones

✔/ Creepy - Concerned - Warning 

X/ Unable to communicate - Discomforting - Sad

Fionnghall is an eerie spirit, incapable of communicating. It seems to be in a constant state of anxiety, and only appears to those who are going to suffer or be nearby a terrible tragedy in the nearby future. 


  • Cannot speak/ made noises except for horrible screams and wails. 

Fionnghall is a broken spirit struggling to find its place and purpose in remaining in the world. Though a spirit, it was never truly alive, and is more of an entity of purgatory or limbo. It is said to be the sign of death, a bad omen to those who see it, and said to attack and harass the unjust, holding a grudge against those who are cruel in life, and encouraging their path to being rejected as a demon. It can become a high aggressor if also attacked, either by holy powers trying to 'exorcise' it or demonic powers trying to control it. It is not a demon, and cannot be rejected from the world. 

It has earned its nickname as "The White Stranger" by being a strange, pure-white creature that tends to loom around those who are fated to have horrible deaths. It is unclear if it is intentionally warning them, or it is bringing these deaths to them. It is drawn to catastrophe.

It does not usually speak, until people have passed on. After this, it helps them to choose their fates without bias and lead them to where they will spend their afterlife. Its reason for doing this is unclear. Perhaps, sympathy. 


  • Successfully warning others
  • ????

  • Seeing people hurt
  • Bright lights
  • Ouijia boards/spirit boards or communication devices

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.