


2 years, 10 months ago


-Masculine upper torso, both sets of reproductive organs, only produces eggs. (species has both sets, but some produce eggs, some produce sperm, in both organs, so either an egg can be implanted into a partner and fertilized from within, or they can reproduce in a more "human" way) 

-Married to Delta (currently searching for a third to their relationship) 

-Semi-aquatic. Can absorb oxygen from water through skin

-Has no bones and is made of a solid slime. They can secrete a substance that makes their skin sticky and become more of a liquid slime. The more they secrete, the more gelatinous they become. 

-Spikes on tentacles are normally soft and squishy, but can harden in order to grab and pierce prey. Some spikes are hollow and can be used like a needle to suck blood from prey. 

-First "language" is touch telepathy. Has learned to speak english, but their voice is quiet and sometimes hard to understand.