


6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Maisy Lou Thompson




Mouse, Mo, Moses




Prefers guys


June 19







Mouse is a fairly tall young adult. Though she is tall she still has a very beautiful curvy shape. She has an oval shaped face with a round delicate nose and big protruding eyes with small bags underneath. These bags are natural, but also get worse when she’s tired or sad. She also has very thick eyebrows, but she keeps them in check, nice and shapely. Mouse has very long white dreads, she keeps her dreads very well taken care of though, and usually dyes random strands of her hair. She also likes to tie ribbons and other cute charms in her hair or wear a fun silk scarf to tie up her hair. She cannot see very well because her eye glow is pretty dim, so she has to wear big round glasses. Her vocal cords were damaged at birth, so she has a quiet and somewhat raspy voice.  She is very much into wearing makeup but does not wear it all the time. It’s more of a hobby she does when she feels like it. She does wear dark lipsticks almost all of the time though, to keep her lips moist. She has a long neck that makes her look very elegant and model like. Her Lumieran vein design extends on her face and makes it look like she has three mouse whiskers on her cheeks, two on her right cheek and one on her left cheek. Because of this and her quiet voice she has gotten the nickname “Mouse.” She’s not dirt poor, but she is a struggling college student so she buys most of her clothes from thrift shops and other second-hand sales. She’s really good at finding pretty great quality items too. Her fashion styles range from, an edgy look, to that classic ‘hipster’ look, to a very retro fashion style. (which she wears most often) She can also be caught in some very scandalous outfits as well. She also has her signature flower raincoat that she wears around almost everywhere. One of the last remaining items she has in memory of her parents. She can also never be found without her trusty pet rat, Doctor.


Mouse has a very bold personality. She is very outgoing and quick to talk to people, especially strangers. She calls herself a ‘future reporter,’ and like to practice ‘getting the scoop’ at all times. She loves going up and talking to people in her community. She also loves being outdoors and has a blog that is dedicated to “The Beauty of Entropy.”  She photographs and writes about destruction, death, and renewal. She is also very determined to succeed and do whatever it takes to get what she wants, which leads her to do some not so great things. She sleeps around a lot, usually for money, sometimes just for company. She’s really numb and doesn't feel much emotion anymore after her parents were killed. She never seems to really connect with anyone that she’s slept with enough to actually have a serious relationship, but it does get her a lot of extra money so she’s fine with it.


Her family consisted of just her mom, dad, and pet rat that her dad had given to her after she was so disappointed that they couldn't get a ‘real’ pet. They were not a lower class family but definitely were thrifty spenders. Their family was very happy together though. Her dad worked in a factory and her mom was a receptionist and they both worked very hard. They both encouraged Mouse to do her best in everything she did so she could grow up and be very successful. 

When Mouse was about 17 years old her family was taking their usual nature walk after dinner, when they were attacked by the Kakoi. Her dad fought hard to save her and her mother and was able to help Mouse get away. He told her to keep running and don’t turn back, and that’s what she did. As she was running, she could hear gunshots and a scream from her mother as her father yelled: “Don’t turn back.” She never turned back. 

Doctor the rat, is not a rat like we would think of a one, but he's a Lumieran rat. These rats are a bit more fluffy and a little cuter. Doctor, in particular, is pretty chubby too. They, like a couple of other Lumieran animals, can be trained to feed on normal vegetation, but also can be trained to feed on bad emotions or dreams. They have two mouths, one under the nose for regular food, and one on the stomach for emotions or dreams. Mouse has a lot of bad dreams for him to feed on.

Character Interaction


His gang is responsible for the attack and killing of her parents.


Shortly after the disappearance/death of her parents, Lucy was contemplating jumping off a bridge to commit suicide. Penelope saw her and comforted her. She also helped mouse out by giving her food and some money to help get her back on her feet.

Other Things

  • Sometimes she sings/plays a ukulele like instrument at local cafes at night
  • The sound of balloons popping give her major anxiety because it sounds so much like the gunshots she heard. Going to parties is difficult.
  • She is studying to become a historian with dreams about making important discoveries about Ancient Lumiera. No one knows exactly what these secrets hold, but they are supposed to make the finder very knowledgeable and powerful. She wants to find them first before the Kakoi gets their hands on them.