Solace Wolper



2 years, 9 months ago


Bought from Spookers for $70 on 01.12.2021 (worth 150)
Amazing Jackalope

Height: 5´6 (170 cm)

It is said that Jackalopes are so dangerous that hunters are advised to wear stovepipes on their legs to keep from being gored. Also said to be a fearsome hunter and the Jackalope is known to be a rough and tough product of the wild West –  one that can only be appeased with an offering of fine whiskey. Best to entice it with whiskey, the jackalope's beverage of choice.
According to legend, however, one of their favorite tricks was to sit in the darkness outside of campfires constructed by early cowboys. When  the cowherds sang before turning in for bed, the Jackalopes would echo  their songs back to them, making for an eerie experience.
He can talk very well and has a high way of speaking over time. Enjoys singing and soothening. 

The Jackalope wouldn’t be a proper magical cryptid if it didn’t have some secret attribute that was beneficial for humans. The milk of a female Jackalope ontained medicinal properties that was extremely valuable and could  cure most illnesses. While the male ones had magic stored in the antlers and blood that would cure any illness. It´s tears are said to turn to diamonds once dry.
The fur of a Jackalope could withstand any arrow (like a natural shield) and regulate temperature.

It was known that the Jackalopes were nearly impossible to chase down and that their defensive abilities with their horns made them a fearsome rival.
Up on full moons, the fur and body would glow white and blue and then it´s magic would be strongest.
Ability to transform to his smaller form (the Jackalope)


Solace belongs to the rare type that had taken on human form after a long time and his magic is strong. He tends to hide it of course but not easy to hide antlers. (It takes alot to make the antlers invisible to human eye)
He was present at the wild west times, meaning he still has a bit of "Ol western" vibe to him at times. But also meaning he lives pretty long. And hard to kill.

The glasses he wears not only look good and help for seeing afar, it also masks his eyes. His real eye color.

His parents and past:
Not much is known as he keeps very close to himself and has no real friends. Reason is that as a young kid he had to watch as his parents were captured and.. well. killed before his eyes. As they had told him before, that he has to survive at any cost.
So he did escape and hid for the time beeing as he later met the old man at the old building. The only one he ever trusted in his life. 

Solace once found an old library and man and was curious on the ways. He began to read and take on the ways and was taught by the old man. As time passed, having the chance of taking on a form, he knew what he wanted to do. Get to know the world and meet and learn. As the old man passed away,, the books all read and treasured and memorized, he took it upon himself to wander and learn more.
He doesn´t trust many as he had the experience of beeing tricked and almost didnt get out easy.

The reason was as he was a teen, he met some new ones and befriended. Letting the trust slowly build but figuring out it was all planned, he was captured, his arm off and sold off to slaveholders. It took a while and he finally managed out. Ever since then kept his guard up pretty well. 


Jackalope Beast

This is a form he had after a brutal encounter of hunters and the ime he had spent with the old man. As the old msn got beaten up by gangsters, the form and power of the Jackalope went full beast mode and in protection mode. Not only giving Solas his first "humanoid" form but also set the legend of the Jackalope Beast in. He killed half of the men, rest ran off as he tended to the old man. Having the form, calm and patience tending to his wounds and carrying him to a nearby hut where  a woman patched up. He learned later on how to control it and swore never to lose control. As the old man had died later on (old age combined with internal wounds) solace went to seek revenge on the rest of the men. A reason he hates hunters. 


Solace learned later on as an apprentice on doctor/operation and body. From the lady from the hut where he then stayed at for a while. In case he ever has to treat to himself with no magic. A reason he is a good doctor and part scientist later on.

The clothing he has is from his former mentor (the 2nd one who took him in, gave a home and tend to his wounds and taught him) the symbol is on the jacket and glove. The Mentor is still in the old town and treats Solace like a son he never had. (can´t get kids thats why) but a very respected Doctor/ blacksmith)

Solace doesnt fight. He avoids when possible. Close combat is nothing he has experience with. (That changes later)
More of an assisting part later on as he learns to be friends.

The Hybrid:

It was as he stumbled upon Jeshan as he too was beeing hunted and coincidentlly by the same king. At start thinking its a trap, both fighting against the other while escaping an ambush. Partly working  together and against each other, landing in a deep cave where both had  to work together. Finding out they are both beeing seeked. Solace healed  Jeshan and the two decided to keep an eye on each other. Over time the  two formed a good bond of friendship and learning more about the others.

It is later thanks to Solace that the bond of the demon is broken, the arm healed and crystalizing stopped. A huge debt and favour. Having a deal  of their own (this is way later in story)

The Duo later get together on adventures and are quite known to outsiders and insiders as a mighty duo. Working together and taking on tasks, deals and more.

-Get´s flustered easily
-Still learning on human culture and other species later on
-can see without glasses but prefers them on
-when happy, wags his lil tail
-Antlers glow up when he feels a strong magic, when using magic or meeting another Jackalope/Wolpertier
-His Antlers he "hides" via magic (it uses up alot and he needs to eat more to substain the illusion)
-Used to have long hair, but cut them short as they kept getting into his antlers when sleeping or after showers.
-sensitive at ears and neck
-Fotografic Memory, enjoys reading and observing. A very good teacher when it comes to explaining.
-carries himself with a grace and flow, when he walks its very formal elegant and strong
-shields the right arm with the overglove (there is a reason for it) as he had an encounter in the past.(a slaveholder cut his arm part as "lucky paw" in his smaller form and ever since has a"prosthetic" over it- ) his right arm is cut from above, making the right glove fully over the prosthetic
-After meeting Jeshan, get´s his prosthetic "upgraded"
-Strong Healer