Sanada's Comments

I'd like to offer 10 USD for this! 

Sorry Oxmium, I have taken another offer ;w;

Thank you for your interest tho!

No problem! ❤

i dont lose nothing for try 

i offer two chibi in this style

i want offer in usd but now im broke hhaah

Hey AnglSK! I'd be interested in taking your offer for this Character! Was there any of my characters in particular who you would like to draw?

Sure! That's sounds great! Love to know you enjoy them as much as I do <3

Is it alright if I send Rhye to you once you send one over? o:

Sure ,message me for dont lose you

Hello! I'd like to offer a colored sketched chibi icon! Here are my Art Examples, The design is awesome! ♡

Hey Nyanko! Really happy you are interested in this boy!
You're style is super mega adorable what the heck ;w; !!

Atm, I don't have a character in mind for your style so I'll have to kindly decline!

Aww, thats alright! Thank you for responding! ♡