


6 years, 10 months ago


★ Gladiola ★

Curious ☆ Quiet ☆ Adaptable

"Do you Mortals not consume Ink..? How do you function then?"


Name || Gladiola
Alias || Gladi, Gladis, Gladiola
Gender || Genderless but prefers female pronouns
Age || Unknown/Forgotten
Sign || ---
Race || Papyri
Orientation || Confused
Occupation || Keeper of Secrets and books.
Status || Citizen of Sefer Library
Theme || ---

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☆ About

She is a Papyri. They were beings created long ago by a magician to help tend to his library, meant to help add new spells into his books, manage them, and protect them. They were usually the unseen guardians of the books and often came as quite the nasty shock to those trying to steal their master's secret. They were always few in numbers, and very rarely created since they could live as long as their origin book was intact. All Papyri were bound to a book, made from one. A blank book, infused with ink and pure power, in which the Papyri's life was to be written in. They have no need for food, water, or even breathing. Instead they consume ink. Usually given by their master, poured into their books. However if ever they needed ink for whatever reason, they may consume the words of a book, to gain ink back. Of course this is rarely done considering they are meant to be the keepers of books, not destroyers. Most Papyri would rather risk going dormant than stealing from a book not their own.  

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☆ Personality

Gladiola isn't the easiest to get along with at first. Often times you will meet her in her true form first and it off-puts people she finds, and their fear or wariness (not at all understandable) makes her unsure of them in return. Along with the fact that she does not like getting close to others at first. Not for the lack of wanting but she can get attached easy if she gets to know you and well..she doesn't quite die and mortals do. And they can get hurt. And they cry. And they can leave her. She does not like those all. So she is a bit hesitant to let people close because of this. Once befriended though, you will find she is loyal and willing to help anytime you need it. If you have a question, she will do her best to answer to her knowledge, though be prepared to be asked questions in return as she is quite the curious little thing. Bonus points if you accept her true form and let her float around in it.


★ Books/Reading/Knowledge
★ Flowers
★ Ink
★ Magic/Magical things
★ People Watching (Mortals are fascinating) 


☆ Idiots and Bugs
☆ People disrespecting/destroying books.
☆ Mortal foods (it's confusing to her)
☆ Fire, Water, and Explosions
☆  'Sleeping'

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☆ Story Summary

Gladiola, like most of the (admit-ably small number) of Papyri were made by a lone magician seeking to protect his knowledge. There were the gems which protected the spells and incantations. The powers. Then there was the flowers, the ones who protected the more 'mundane' but no less precious knowledge. Gladiola fell into the second grouping. She was tasked as the main guardian of her master's most intimate knowledge, and did so proudly. After their master died, the Papyri took a little bit to understand what had happened. They were not mortal, they had no concept of 'dying' though Gladiola understood a bit better, having been privy to the master's ramblings. Unsure of what to do, since no orders were left, the Papyri slowly went dormant. One by one, sinking into their origin books and 'falling asleep'. Gladiola refused though, believing she still needed to protect the secrets and clung to her duty, up until the point there was a fire. An up-start mage attempted to sneak into her master's study and triggered a trap. In fright, the young mage let off a spark of fire, which quickly began to consume the library Gladiola called home. In her anger, she sprung from her book and killed the foolish child, but it was too late. Fire was spreading quickly, and as much as she cried and screamed, her fellow Papyri would not wake. In desperation to save even one of them, she let her own book burn, throwing herself into another origin book, and curling around the gem. The last of their master's power encased the remaining Papyri, they were all bubbled, and then vanished from the burning library.

When she came to, Gladiola climbed out of the book, and was confused. She remembered bits and pieces of her life, but suddenly everything wasn't as clear as before. She didn't remember what she was, only that she had a master she served, things she protected. The book in her hand resonated like her. Something like her but not. It was important though. So she kept it. As traveled, she re-learned about her powers and what she could do through trial and error. It was during this time she began to feel a pull. It took a long time, but eventually she found what looked like a bridge. It was breaking apart and seemed unsteady but the pull called her forward so she went. Imagine her surprise when she found herself within a library of all places. Her body still pulling her a certain way. As she went along, suddenly she felt it. Stalking her. Hunting. It was dark and dangerous. Then it pounced. Screaming in terror, Gladiola accidentally dropped the book she had held onto for so long as she turned and fled. Not noticing it landing in a pile of other books. No, Gladiola was running for her life now, for she felt that if anything could 'kill ' her it would be this thing, somehow..someway. Managing to buy herself some precious seconds before it rounded the corner after her, Gladiola used all her energy to dive into a book, burying deep into it to hide. She felt the thing run past, stalking. Heard the frustrated sound it made not finding her. Then she felt her eyes drift close. Dormant.

The next time she woke was when she heard voices. Talking about this being the new area to be 'cleansed'...sluggishly stirring, Gladiola rose from her book, finding herself face to face with someone that smelled of fire and mortality but not. A familiar scent she remembered smelling wandering the shelves before she had been chased. But different. Feminine? Not Masculine like previously. There was a bout of awkward silence before a quiet voice spoke out, accompanied by the sounds of pages rustling. "I mean no harm, fire child." This was how Gladiola met Bonnie. 

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