


2 years, 10 months ago


"Oh! Er...welcome to the Under?"

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Name: Azae
Gender: Trans Male | He/Him
Age: Ageless (Died at 18)
Species: Human-Turned-Demon
Occupation(?): Ruler of the Torn Under

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Azae had once been human; a human abused by his family before being transferred into an abusive institution where he slowly descended into madness. He lived as a madman with an obsessive desire for blood, until...he decided to simply stop living. He arrived in the Under, wandering aimlessly until he found the Throne Of The Torn Wings. Taking it for himself, he descended into demonhood, preparing to absolutely become mad with power...until he didn't. While it might've seen that he finally gained clarity in his actions, in reality his mind experienced some sort of "rollback". He was already pretty crazy to begin with; so instead of becoming even more crazy, he ended up the sanest he's ever been. Azae didn't exactly like the idea of ruling the Under anymore, but there wasn't exactly anything he could do at this point.

Regardless, he's ended up to be one of the more benevolent rulers of the hellish wasteland known as the Under. While he still remains relatively composed as per the code of conduct all rulers must face, he's still pretty laid-back and would love to be your friend.

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Just like Karma, he doesn't seem to remember his name...though it probably has less to do with memory loss and more him trying to move on from his past.
Very tall. He's pretty self-conscious about it.
His "wings" function more like a cape, but he'd love to fly.
Most of him is obscured by shadow. His face is always obscured, no matter what.
Does he tell dad jokes? Probably.

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"Sorry if my subjects try to tear you apart. I've tried to make them nicer...never really works, though."