


2 years, 10 months ago
NT -h


Firewall: A hyper intelligent AI who deserves respect.

Overseer of a forgeworld that employs condemned criminals nicknamed 'Purgatorio' by the inhabitants, and located on the outskirts of an intergalactic empire's territory.

He was originally designed and created to monitor and process data to ensure that everything performs efficiently and to be able to solve any problems that may arise, although after doing this for thousands of years with long periods of no contact or supervision from the homeworld, he went mad and proclaimed himself the "Lord of the Underworld". He sees his duties as not only including the aforementioned, but to include maintaining order and discipline within the facilities. 

He is seen so little by the common population that it is held in doubt that he actually exists, except among the higher echelons. He has, indeed, evolved to a theological concept among the populace because of it. The prisoners see him as a tool used to keep them in line with mythical stories and moral tales told about about his power and the fate of those who defy him, and the guard population both reveres and sees him as representing the principles of order, justice, and stability.

Trivia- Actually created solely to monitor and run the system; he has since usurped the Security Overseer's role.