Lexius Nemean



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


afab Female


Lithoromantic, exclusively sexual in red quadrants. Incapabable of feeling black attraction, much to her chargrin. She attempts to overcompensate by black flirting with EVERYONE, violently wishing she will somehow have a successful black fling. Eventually she comes to terms with the fact that she will have a barren quadrant (though it hurts her pride a bit).



Physical Description

Very tall horns rivaled only by her taller (and highly problematic) triple cowlick, the rest of her hair is short and limply clings to her skull (except for the few rebellious strands). She is a slender, bookish fellow who presents primarily androgynous. She has thick eyelashes and short little eyebrows, all framed by those large ellipsoidal spectacles. She has three fangs poking from her lips, two tiny ones on one side of her mouth and one larger one on the other. What awful, detestable dentistry. She also has the WORST posture, like gosh golly woman.

Clothing Preferences

She tencs to wear plain clothes with dark colours. The overcoat she wears is crazy comfortable and has a pocket big enough to hold her pocket dictionary (which, unlike it's terribly misleading name, does not actually fit in most pockets. What awful, detestable false advertising).


Alternia, in a treetop hive

Strife Specibus (Weapon)

Whipkind, nunchuckkind

Typing Quirk

Capitalizes whenever three consonants touch


Grandiloquent fantroll

Your name is LEXIUS NEMEAN and you are six sweeps old. Howere, you have a proclivity to use gratuitous wording and vocabulary far beyond your age as well as a very PROPER way of speaking (but you are a horrendous speller). You read a dictionary often to gather more words as well as attempt to correct your detestable letter ordering. You are anything but succinct, and you seem to think that you know EVERYTHING; and because of your eloquence, the less intelligent ones never think otherwise. You get horribly upset when someone points out your ignorance.

You have some INTERESTS. Although you like to write, you are ATROCIOUS at it. Your stories seem to be too convoluted and full of words to understand, and your main character always ends up DYING. Your role playing seems to be just as bad. You find pleasure in making others feel inadequate and stupid. You like puzzles like rubix cubes and soduku, but only if they are easy enough for you to solve. Word games are your forte. You also find immense joy in playing with your NUNCHUCKS. You used to like using your WHIP, until an unfortunate INCIDENT happened that will never, ever be brought up again.

You also hold a fondness for large furbeasts, a fondness you do not quite understand but has been with you since you were a grub.

Although you tend to engender antagonism with everyone you meet, you like to have other trolls around you so you can feel more intelligent by comparison. In order to keep them around, you are at times disingenuous; however you often end up driving them away anyway. Your trolltag is incontrovertibleTamer (which was just barely allowed by the Trollian character limit) and you type while hiGHLiGHTing at seemiNGLy inaPPRopriate times.

(For proper details about her early childhood, find Owl Lusus's profile in Links)

Lexius's memories of her early childhood are fuzzy. She's not sure why she chose to build her hive in a treetop of all things, but guesses it was probably to make her owl lusus more comfortable. That, and children are dumb. If she could redesign it, she knows it would look a lot different. Maybe more circus-like?

She originally wanted to be a tamer, and had the most joyous times with her whip. But one day it betrayed her, tangling itself in her large ahoge. She has had a guilty love/hate relationship with it ever since.

She is not aware of much serious hardship in her life, other than her terrible luck with finding companionship and a strange late-blooming with black attraction (or what she believes is late blooming). She has yet to mature in the ways experience tends to lend itself to.

Ongoing Story
She and her one reluctant friend Knowth are pulled into a Flarping session by Knowth's best friend. Neither of the main two have ever participated in extreme roleplaying before, and Lexius is nervous since she knows no one, but it might have a chance to get a black partner, or friends, or at least people she knows outside of a computer screen. Terrible, horrible things happen as a result.