
6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




An incompetent, silly guardian who believes he is the best lusus. The way he hovers about, pruning and preening and keeping his keen eyes on her, one might call him a helicopter parent--but he's only controlling because he wants to keep her safe from harm!! And from living a life that isn't how he imagined!! But mostly harm.

Physical Description

A rather large and formidable owl with a small and circular head. This head has huge, haunting eyes and often spins about. His colour is a greenish teal.


Alternia, in a treetop hive


Lexius's "adoptive" lusus, which is to say he killed her original lusus and kidnapped her.

The owl lusus (let's call him Owl Dad, shall we? He would love that) is a simple creature. He flew this way and that, killed lesser creatures for food, spun his head in circles; the whole shebang. He was thrilled to get his own wriggler to raise and watch over. The concept of fatherhood was very exciting. No one was more ready than he was.

He watched his little wriggler enter the brooding caverns with fatherly pride. Fluffed his feathers delightedly as his wriggler returned. Watched with awe as his wriggler began constructing their own hive, way up in the trees, what a sweet thing to do. As the construction took place, Owl Dad imagined the wonderful life they would have together. Perching together in trees, teaching the little one to hunt for food, growing and learning, loving and caring, pruning and head-swiveling... what a beautiful life they would have.

But it was not to be. Before the hive's construction was finished his wriggler was murdered, corpse small and horns removed. There was someone in the area who had been murdering trolls as a hobby, killing the victims and collecting the horns as trophies. At least, that was the rumor. Either way, Owl Dad was beside himself with sorrow.

But sorrow turned to anger. How dare someone rip the joys of fatherhood away from him!? Life would have been perfect. No one was more ready for parenthood than him. No one deserved it more. This was simply not acceptable.

This bird would have a wriggler to raise.

He flew throughout the area until he found another lusus with another wriggler. The guardian was a green lion, a bit small for a lusus, definitely not as fit for fatherhood as himself. While the little wriggler wasn't looking, Owl Dad swooped down and grabbed the lion in his talons, quickly carrying it away. After quickly disposing of the lesser creature, he returned to the wriggler and took her as his own. The little thing didn't seem to notice the difference.

He took his new wriggler to the treehouse hive, now about complete, and raised her as his own.

Ongoing Story
He was still a simple creature. He flew this way and that, enjoyed as his troll attempted to kill lesser creatures to feed him (she wasn't very good, but that just made her cute), and spun his head; the whole shebang. Sometimes Lexius liked to whack him with her nunchucks so his head twirled in circles, and he made siren noises as he spun. It was all part of the job.

She doesn't seem to like him much, which is simply ridiculous, considering he is a Top Tier Guardian. A dream daddy, one might say. What she says is more along the lines of 'idiotic driveling imbecile', but he doesn't really know what that means.

He tries to be supportive of her big words. He is supportive of everything she does, so long as it coincides with his vision of what her future should be. He is a very supportive, loving lusus. He is simple the best there is.

The only thing he isn't really supportive of is Lexius's fixation with furbeasts. The lion images she hangs on her wall make him uneasy. He doesn't like them, but will not say why.

All that doesn't matter. At the end of the day, he loves his troll very much and will do everything in his power to protect her.