(Ka'rat) Alexelo [Dechiyen]'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

This character and it's likeness belong to LostTideLover. Fan art or guest art for the original comic are permitted but please do not take and claim the character as your own. Any art of the character must be submitted to the Website via the contact form on www.dechiyen.weebly.com so that it can be showcased in the gallery.

Ka'rats are a closed, but free species belonging to LostTideLover. If you create a Ka'rat, you must join Dechiyen as a member, or at the very least register your character in the citizen registry. Please keep an eye on LostTideLover's twitter for announcements as to when the Website is complete, the forum is ready, and the discord channel is open to the public.