Babs's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

ramteethz Global Rules


- Change the design, as long as the original design is recognizable. If you're unsure, please DM me!

- Use to represent/express how terrible a person/thing is. (Like an abusive character in a backstory.) Do not confuse this with glorification or romanticization. You can have fucked up stories without support it.

- Resell my designs. But I have rules on that. (In may not section)

- Have full rights to your character. (But blatant failiure to follow my TOS will result in a block and blacklist.)

- Turn down my offer if I offer on an oc I made, duh. If I ask to have dibs on offering, I don't expect you to accept.

- Have near full control on what you do with your character. Basically just avoid the do nots, and you can really do anything.


- Sell unfairly. If you got it for free, do not try to make a profit. If you got it for art/oc trade, sell it for that. If you got it for money, do whatever you desire. If you add non gifted art worth, do whatever you desire. Do not sell for more than it's worth.

- Sell a character you have not completed the payment for. You can only return them to me. When I return unpayed for OCs I don't expect compensation so please do not expect it from me.

- Use to glorify hate speech and bigotry.

- Sell to anyone who fits my DNI, or anyone who is in my blacklist. Seriously, especially the latter. I don't blacklist just anyone.


- If you have any questions!

- If you're going to hide a design I made! Please just try to notify me so I'm not confused if I go looking! If you did it for all your OCs and can't be bothered to contact every designer (I understand lmao) please don't mind me genuinely asking for clarification!