Plikli Savrus



3 years, 1 month ago


Name + Pronunciation: Plikli Savrus (Plee-klee Saav-russ)
Title: Revenger Deadshot | The Marksman
Pronouns: He/They
Age: 115,194
Sign: Aquapio
Caste: Violet
Chumhandle: lucidArticulation [LA]
Typing Quirk: O's and W's are all capitalized
"The quick brOWn fox jumps Over the lazy dOg."
Lunar Sway: Prospit
God Tier: Page of Light
Description: 14'4
Personality: Plikli is a very honest person with a very strong moral compass. He's always on top of projects and will oftentimes finish what he's doing the same day he started. They don't take no for an answer and care very deeply for those around them. He doesn't mess around and will always aim true. They want a bright future for everyone and are extremely pro-equality.
5 Positive Traits: Loyal, faithful, honest, trustworthy, determined
5 Negative Traits: Stubborn, intimidating, moody, impatient, nosey
Likes: The smell of campfires, sweet foods, romance films
Dislikes: Being outsmarted, being rushed, situational anxiety
Extra: Voice claim is Left Boy | Theme Song is "Meant to Stay Hid" by SYML

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