


2 years, 10 months ago



01 — Profile

Name Katherine Herrera
Nicknames Lady Cúrcuma
Age 29 y/o
Gender Transwoman
Height 1.82 cm | 5'9 ft
Birthdate March 27th
Species Spotted Hyena
Orientation. Bisexual
Occupation Professional Dancer

Status Single
Designer Kattocore
02 — Personality

Mathieu was born in 1791 in Bourges, France. His family held a high social status; some were influenced by politics and religion, while others were patrons with a keen interest in supporting the arts and sciences. Therefore, during his childhood and adolescence, he received extensive education in these areas, with references to the Baroque and Romanticism periods, leaving a lasting mark on his personality throughout his life.

Years later, due to his rectitude and commitment, he dedicated himself to the study of laws. The revolutionary changes sparked in him a sense of justice and conflict resolution. Decade after decade, he focused on renewing and improving his studies and knowledge in Law, which, over time and through his excellent work, made his name resonate as an outstanding lawyer and later, a judge.

Throughout his career, Mathieu earned a reputation for being just and equitable, and due to his experience, he became someone not easily deceived.

  • Witchcraft

  • Black Tea

  • Heavy Metal

  • Cross Stitch

  • White Tea

  • The Beach

  • Cooking

  • Doing Laundry

03 — Background


She was born into a very catholic and conservative family. In the institutions of the faith and her family always taught her the way to be a good "wife". However, when she was in high school she decided to face her parents and asked them if it was possible to let her study medicine at college. Her parents weren't too happy with it since they wanted her to get married and be a good wife, however, she told them that it was a way for her to "show gratitude to god" by helping people and they accepted.

She got into one of the best public colleges in the country, She was a good student and spent her time studying. She wanted to prove to her family that their doubts were misplaced and that she could achieve her goals. At multiple social events that took place, she met Jesse, who was sweet and a very open minded person. They started talking more and even had 'dates' which were mostly just sitting at a cafe to cross-stitch and talk. Jesse showed her a lot and made her more open minded about things. She also met Robin, a crazy red panda who was studying botany at the same college. The three of them started to spend all their time together.

One day Robin took her to a Goth-themed party. From that day on, Sansa started loving that lifestyle and aesthetics. As well the three of them started exploring and loving the natural connections, white witchcraft, botanical benefits, and more.

She started to act completely differently, she started to see the world differently, to see more than just what she was taught by her parents. Once she was convinced that life was even more than just religion and being a good girl, she challenged her parents and left their house, and moved with Jesse to a small apartment. Since her parents didn't want that or approved of it, they cut off all connections with Sansa. She started working a part-time job as a waitress in a bar to pay for her rent and college costs.

In the end, she changed her specialisation and studied Psychology. Once she graduated, she got a full job as a psychologist at a clinic and she and Jesse moved to a better apartment where they're making a life together.

Jesse and Robin

They started as friends, now they have a polyamorous relationship. Jesse and Sansa live together while Robin visits them almost every day. Sansa loves them with all her heart and she is so grateful to them for showing her that life is much more than just church and toxic parents.

She has a special bond with each of them. Jesse is more affection and caring, it is nothing sexual. While with Robin its mostly sexual, since they both are quite kinky and horny for each other.

House Chores

The goal of her parents was to mold Sansa as a "good catholic wife", however, she was NEVER good at house chores, even though she tried to be the best. Sansa never learned to cook (her mother used to say that Sansa might not have any taste at all) was never good at separating clothes by colors, making it chaos at the time of doing laundry.

When she got a better salary, she started to pay someone to clean the house and do the house laundry. Luckily Jesse knows how to cook and decided to be the one in charge of it at home.

04 — Trivia

  • She can see just in black and white, has never told anyone about that.

  • Sometimes she misses her family, specially her mother.

  • She loves peanut butter.

  • She loves videogames, she's a "Nintendo Lover" and most of the games she has are Indie games.

05 — Relationships

Jesse Brown

They have many years of knowing eachother. She might suspect about Sansa not seen colors...

Robin Nielsen

They argue a lot, however they love each other way too much. Some weekends Jesse goes to Robin's house and Robin stays at the apartment where they both enjoys while Jesse relax in the woods.