Adlai Tiernan



2 years, 10 months ago


My main OC, Adlai Tiernan. She is a Lawful-Good angel who lives among modern-day humans as a judge/scholar.

I based Tiernan on the sheep/ram, so that she may embody the mountain animal’s (mental) endurance and (moral) surefootedness to climb the path to the truth, no matter how challenging.

Tiernan is also a pacifist, and she cuts her horns (her natural weapons) as a symbolic act abiding to that. She prefers reason and eloquence over brawn.


More fun facts:

  • Seeing as she serves justice, her first name Adlai means "God is  just." I mostly refer to Tiernan by her surname to convey a sense of  formality/title.
  • Tiernan is an Irish surname, meaning “little lord.” She may be physically short, but she is tall in presence!
  • Yes, Tiernan is barefoot (a nod to her surefootedness). But nobody notices!

Character Relations:
  • Tiernan may be seen together with Zephaniah (my nightjar-themed angel OC) or putti (baby cherubs) as assistants. 
  • Given her symbolic association to the lamb, Tiernan may also be seen conquering/keeping dragons like my OC Cruel Existence in check; the dragons are invariably tsundere about it.
  • Tiernan regards Ondiek (my orca whale-themed angel OC) as a friendly rival, working towards different ends on Earth.

Visual Design Notes

  • My images of Tiernan are inconsistent on this, but she is supposed to have neon pink eyes and be petite/short. 
  • It depends on the art style, but Tiernan tends to look better if colored closer to albino (pale/desaturated skin), rather than peachy.
  • The tips of Tiernan's ram horns are trimmed. Her cut horns can optionally be depicted as bleeding from the ends, however I've censored it in all my reference images.
  • She may be depicted with winged eyeliner, pink/lavender on her lower lip, short/cherubic face, and a downward pointy nose.
  • Her upper hair is asymmetrically parted and swoops in vintage fashion to form 3 "lumps" on each side, ending in a bun. A gold halo ornament is holding the bun together. 
  • Her upper hair is primarily white, with purple streaks; the placement of these streaks may vary.
  • Her lower hair falls down in large spiral curls, down to her waist or lower. There are typically 7 spiral curls in total, alternating between white and purple with the outermost curls being white. These curls may be stylized with a wide degree of variance between images.
  • Tiernan wears a court-style white neck tie, and black, hooded PhD-striped judge robes. Her robe is tied at the waist by a gold ribbon; the knot used may vary. She is barefoot.
  • Tiernan's outfit may optionally be embellished further with jewelry, decorative trim, additional layers, etc.
  • The marking on the front of Tiernan's robe consists of 3 inverted, overlapping triangles. The top triangle is partially obscured under her hood.

Aesthetic Ideas: Neoclassical, baroque, gothic, medieval, fantasy, art nouveau