Pluto's Comments


Here i go

This is Pluto

Age:  young 20's

( not related but heres another character apart of the same facility as he is! Celeste )


Pluto is a rather interesting creature, as for a personality he's ludicrous, mysterious, worrisome, yet hes sweet, and honestly, a bit scary..

He grew up in an experimental facility, which specialized in creating weapons of sorts, the facility would kidnap children who were alone, secluded, yet smart, and determined. ( This is another universe im  developing) Pluto, having been their top child, was found outside his school alone, after school departure, he was young enough to forget everything as he grew older, but he still obtained many blurry memories from his kidhood, while mostly confused of why he had memories that did not include the building he was in, he brushed it off, ignored it, that was until he hit 16, things weren't adding up. 

Why is it that the people on tv are completely different then where he is now?

Pluto was secluded most of the time, subjected to the few rooms he visited a day. You'll see why in a moment. 



Pluto woke up, yawning, realizing how loud he was, he covered his face with the blanket. 

"get up sleepy head, i've let you sleep an hour longer than you should have." a familiar voice called out to him, his caretaker, he presumed, she always awoke him. With an agonizing groan, Pluto sat up, the blankets still wrapped around him. "yeah.." he lazily spoke, tiredness very clear in his voice.

"come on, i've got some new tests for you." The caretaker spoke, walking halfway through the doorway, checking to make sure Pluto was following. 

Pluto hastily got up, resentful, he left the blankets in disarray on the bed, sluggishly walking over to her. 

"alrighty sport! this way." she enthusiastically spoke, walking away in a Skippy fashion,  the only thought going through Plutos head was that it was WAY to early for this. still he followed, dragging his tail. After many moments of walking tirelessly. they made it to the experimentation room, Pluto held his breath, in hopes that there wouldn't be any blood draws or painful injections. The caretaker took out a keycard, placing it into the doors handle, to which the metal door cranked open. They walked into the room, immediately they were hit with a large pang of coldness. per usual for his tests, yet, all the more discomforting. Pluto walked over to the metal chamber, he opened the door, walking inside. This humongous room consisted of a  giant white floor type bubble. When walking on the white floor, you bounced, it felt similar to walking on a trampoline. besides the floor, the walls and ceiling were a pure white, clean and beautiful. They were hard to look at, as they would nearly blind you if you looked at them for long.

Pluto walked to the center of the bubble and stood waiting for a signal from the experimenters and his caretaker. 

Minutes after he started waiting, he got his first signal to begin, and with that he did.  closing his eyes trying to focus in..

He kept searching for a signal to hone in on, it took him a moment, but he found something, one he had it signal completely he opened his eyes, right as he did so the room flashed, blinding everyone but Pluto. He lifted from the ground levitating, as the white room around him, swiftly changed. turning from white, to a literal red forest, glowing mushrooms, and stars which surrounded the trees, a absolutely magnificent place to be. The sky was full of colors, blue, pink, and orange showed through the most. pluto looked around, "hmm.." he sighed "wasn't the signal i was picking up." he spoke out to himself. He closed his eyes again, and within a moment he returned back to the experimentation room. 

He caught glances disapproval and frustration from the people observing him.. yet e didn't care, he was trying his best and that's all that matters, it's not his fault if he can't catch the reality they want.

Plutos power is to transport to different realities, realms, and universes. He can also create whatever he wants, whether its real or fake, if he imagines it, it can become real.

Pluto was still floating, crossing his arms waiting for them to ask him to go again.. when his caretaker opened the chamber door.

"come here, you need to take this injection." The caretaker left the door open for him. Pluto groaned in annoyance, he hated injections, they were so useless, half of the time he throws them up anyways. He followed his caretaker to a woman who had a shot in her hand, the colors of the serum were blue and pink, the woman flicked the needle. 

"hold out your arm" the Caretaker told him, to which he obeyed. He put out his forearm, ready to feel a sharp discomfort. Moments later, he felt just that, except this one stung.. really really bad, he felt the serum course through his body, he felt like a battery.

Suddenly he disappeared and reappeared in the chamber.. Surprised and taken aback he had to catch his breath.. He looked up at them, eyes wide. Yet they didn't seem scared, they seemed... overjoyed??

He heard the voice of his caretaker come over the loud speaker that was placed in his chamber. "Part one of her serum worked! introducing, time skipping, it'll get some getting used to, but it has been underway for years now. You can go through time and space to get somewhere else in the room. Now, lets see if the next part works.. focus on going to the ocean, the ocean should be the color pink, and the sand is teal. " Pluto replayed everything she said in his head quickly, giving her a nod once he was done.

He closed his eyes slowly rising so that he was fully levitating, he grabbed a hold of the reality, and within moments of the request, it was brought to life, and there was the pink ocean with tel sand. Like they asked. Pluto smiled, not over joyed, but satisfied. 

He looked around, it wasn't often he got the chance to look around the realities he goes into. He looked around at the stars and the sky, just about to touch the water when he was zapped back into the Chamber. He was welcomed with cheering, and excited applause. Still with the satisfied smile, he gave a thumbs up. 

After this, the reasearchers continued to ask Pluto questions, requesting him to go into different realities, to which he did his best ( still writing taking breaks since im doin school and drawing him!!!)



Can I adopt? I'll try to complete this character in my free time and add a story to them^^