


2 years, 10 months ago




Eldri Leios
Lia'mir Leios


Male (He/Him)




~26 yrs, looks ???




sun elf, Vampire





cynical . reserved . reliable

A vampire who lives alone in a forest and tries to avoid being a vampire as much as possible.


  • Reading
  • Exploring, but he now constrains himself to the forest he lives in
  • Adel


  • Not being able to go into the sun
  • Other vampires
  • Dealing with people


Eldri, the lone vampire, hermit, alchemist who lives in the forest full of beasts. He's a local legend, rarely seen by the townspeople. Travelers who encounter horrors in the wood all recount the glowing light and the blonde man who saved them, but their memory fails them when it comes to the small prick on their wrists.
He lives in seclusion, patrolling the forest at nighttime and hiding in his home - a once abandoned cabin - during the day. People who cross through are at risk of running into any number of dangerous beasts, which Eldri will kindly save them from for the price of their blood. The deal is unspoken, though, and travelers remember very little of their ordeal when they wake up at the forest's edge in the morning. Bandits and villains, however, rarely come out of the forest alive.

Past 1.

Most Halimír, or sun elf, villages are closed-off from the outside world. Few come in, even fewer leave. Eldri's village was just the same, with a few exceptions for passing traders - It was traders like this who offered him a way out. Eldri, fifteen years old and a warrior in training, had always been filled with wanderlust and he was excited for the opportunity to escape the village. His best friend, Ri'det, and their parents warned the kids to stay away from the traders, but Eldri dismissed it as their usual fear of the unknown. He did not heed their warning.

How could he have known that the traders were vampires, the enemies of sun elves, and that helping people leave the town was just a cover? When his friend Ri'det attempted to save him, he was slain before Eldri's eyes. The vampires came for him next. Although he'd accepted his fate at that point, the world's plans were different - Eldri was turned into vampire. In a flurry of fear and rage, he killed his captors until it was just him left in the room with Ri'det's body. He mourned his friend in silence until a loud knock on the house door forced him to leave. To dare be a vampire in a city of Halimír was suicide. He fled from his home, leaving his family and everything else behind.

Past 2.

Eldri rarely leave his home in the forest of beasts, but after a few years of looking the same age, it was necessary. He was tired of looking so young. No one took a teen seriously, and no one would sell him the alchemy ingredients he needed for his potions. While on the hunt for a potion of aging, Eldri was sucked up into a shady business in a city to the North with a very annoying older vampire as his boss. This didn't last long, and he did learn many skills, but he left feeling more sour than ever and with a greater dislike of other vampires than he already had.

Unabridged Story ->


  • Sun elves gain energy from the sun, but since vampires cannot go into the sun, Eldri is perpetually grumpy and tired.
  • Lia'mir is a sun elf title, the rule is that a sun elf must be called this title until a person has entered their home - after the home has been entered they can be called their true name.
  • At some point he stopped keeping track of dates so he doesn't know how old he is offhand.
  • He personally does not like "the whole neck thing", going against the natural instinct to do so by drawing blood from an arm instead.
  • Curt, appears a bit standoffish to any strangers that actually manage to speak with him, although he would rather avoid interaction altogether.


  • He can conjure a dark red spear made of his soul, much like Acid Eggs' Rapier. This spear was created spontaneously on the night he became a vampire, made of his concentrated fear and hatred.
  • As with any soul weapon, Eldri can summon the spear (and make it disappear) at will. Because it wasn't created through the traditional method of fabricating a soul weapon, he does not need to be in a stable headspace to summon it.
  • Wonderful alchemist, especially with moon alchemny and creating healing potions (which use vampire's venom... that he has free access to)


  • Sooo tired, bags under his eyes.
  • His wings are summoned by the runes carved into his back, and the halo is also connected to the runes.
  • His ears stick out pretty much horizontally.
  • His hair is blonde but his eyebrows are dark.


Eldri's boyfriend. Adel had been on a mission to recruit the vampire for his boss, The Lord, when he met Eldri. Though they found comfort in each other's presences, Eldri wanted nothing to do with villainous plots. The other option was death by the Lord's hands, though, so the two decided that Eldri would teach Adel a new method of fighting - at least then he would be considered a valuable asset. This also technically makes Eldri an honorary member of the clouded ones, the group that The Lord commands.

Relationship Stuff
  • While they're both perpetually quiet, grumpy, not-people people, being stuck together for a period of time while Adel was being healed by Eldri allowed them to talk to each other a lot more than they would have otherwise.
  • Although Adel is very much bothered by his past, Eldri has essentially come to terms with his own issues. The past is the past, and there's no fixing that, even if he does feel sad about it sometimes. He is a shoulder for Adel to lean on - his life is at least stable and calm. Adel's is not.
  • Finding a person who isn't afraid of vampires is an achievement, finding someone willing to fall in love with one is a feat. Adel's the only person that Eldri has actually bitten rather than just taking the blood from.
  • Eldri calls Adel by his birth name, Lushísa.
  • Adel's ice affinity means he has cold hands and skin in general, while Eldri is much warmer.
  • Eldri is always tired, and sometimes he just sleeps in Adel's lap. Adel's not as good of a singer as his brother, but he still know the words to old lullabies.
  • Even now they both still get spooked by sudden touches on like, the shoulder. They just aren't used to it, really.
  • Eldri's trying to teach Adel how to read, as Adel is quite nearly illiterate.
  • Vampires have a natural instinct to bite exposed necks, which Eldri is usually able to supress. Still makes him antsy though, there's no helping that.
  • With a mix of paralyzing venom and blood loss, it makes it difficult for a vampire's "victim" to signal when too much blood has been taken. Eldri is always incredibly careful with Adel to make sure no sort of accident happens.
Relationship Stuff ->

A human woman who once came to Eldri's house without even an ounce of fear. She's a kind lady and a diligent researcher, and she's the only person who Eldri regularly met with for many years. He keeps her informed of interesting happenings in the forest. She's usually the person people in the nearby town are told to look for if they want to know more about the vampire in the woods.

The vampire he worked under briefly. A major thorn in Eldri's side, but still a fountain teeming with 300 years of useful advice. They are, thankfully, no longer in contact.