


2 years, 10 months ago



Name radiance

Nickname radis

Age 37 (?)

Birthday unknown

Zodiac unknown

Gender cis male (he/him)

Species infected (demon) borzoi/goat

Height 208-~350cm

Weight varies

Info Info

Occupation former demon summoner

Worth infinite (not to sell)


Radiance's origins are unknown. But he always been in dark and occult subjects. Some called him a magician, others a monster, or even gave him a title that he never truly understood. His true identity has never been discovered. Apart from that, he seemed to be quite a normal person. A little bit secret, but quite a nice lad that would probably never be in such cryptic arts. One day, he thought he could handle big things. He did quite a strange ritual, and... He then eventually met someone - or something that altered his life forever. This thing was one of the mysteries that fed numerous stories, rumours and legends. Radiance did bite off more than he could chew. The thing presented to him in a strange form : full of eyes, with a body looking like the darkest nights, menacing. It was a big, gooey-like monster. And it seemed that it was shaped like the deepest fears of the man. When he thought of something even worse than his last thought, it would shapeshift a little ; and Radiance, for the first time of his life, felt that he was in danger.

In risk of inevitable death.

He fled, the thing caught up with him really easily. He had no chance to escape the monster. He screamed for help, then he tried to fight back. His claws were digging deep into the creature's flesh ; it instantly healed, and it was even worse. That this was defending itself everytime Radiance would try to strike it. His teeth also were no use against the dark murderer. He smelled something that he never smelled before. It was close to blood, but it had another very strong smell mixed with it. The smell drove him mad, he was fighting even harder. He bit deep into the soft flesh of the creature that immediately froze in place.

Radiance thought he was out of danger for a moment... But the creature eventually succeeded to fulfill his dark design.

It was fusing with him. His eyes were wide open, he thought he screamed another time but he was just suffocating. His pale fur was getting darker and darker, he felt his bones crushing a bit. It was really painful. Radiance was changing while the beast slowly possessed his body. He was getting bigger, his horns grew even bigger. His yellow eyes turned red, he suddenly was inhabited with insatiable hunger. For a long time, Radiance lost consciousness, letting the creature inside him do whatever it wanted to achieve.

For several hours, the creature ran. It was testing the possibilities of this new body. It thought his host was robust, and was impressed that he didn't die during the process. Strangely, this man was unusually resistant to whatever it inflicted to the mind and the flesh. The strange monster eventually lost itself deep inside a forest, and Radiance regained consciousness. He immediately felt different ; his claws were full of blood, and he had a disgusting iron taste behind his tongue. It took some time for him to fully recover and realize that... The creature was still inside him, keeping his mind hostage.

No... He was the host of something he never understood.

Time passed by and both of them were regularly fighting. And after many years, Radiance gave up. He nearly accepted his condition. He almost accepted the beast inside of him. It was offering him many advantages such as lightly shapeshifting... But he didn't know that the monster slowly, but totally rearranged Radiance's mind.

Radiance is now immortal, and almost obedient of all his hosts' desires. In exchange for his loyalty, the beast gave him many powers and strengths.
But the fight is not over yet.

"Write a quote here"













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Mbti E???

Alignment Info

Temperament Info

Enneagram Info

Sin Greed/Lust

Element Info

Tarot Info



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