Dr Robert Fickle



2 years, 10 months ago


NameRobert Fickle

CalledBob, Bobert, Crab Nerd

AgeAdult (32)

D.o.B.August 17th

Gender Male (He/Him)





RoleMarine Biologist


HealthDisabled but Okay





"Look, I understand that maybe using our only coffee pot to transport a crab wasn't the best idea. but it's the only thing i could think of! He was just out in the yard! I couldn't leave him for the birds! And yes, Jerry is fine and safe in my aquarium."

Despite his exemplary brain, Dr Robert Fickle is the very reason why none of the members of the G.S.D, other than Elizabeth, are allowed to talk on national television. While trying to distract the world from finding out about aliens being smuggled onto the planet by the black market, Robert managed to instead make the entire world think that mermaids exist. Which in the end did help take the heat off of them, but now their organization isn't known for anything else...and the rest of the world is trying to find more of the mermaids. Well, He's certain he can come up with a solution for that too! Once he can get T.A.G. to cooperate, that is.

Stats (w.I.P)







When he was young, little Bobby Fickle wanted nothing more than to grow up and become an astronaut. All he talked about was space and how sure he was that he’d be the first one to meet an alien. But unlike most kids who had similar dreams, Bobby had the brains to back it up. Amazing grades and clearly intellectual, he continued to win every science convention the school would put out. His adopted parents were incredibly supportive of his space dream. They saved up just enough to send him to space camp. 

Everything was going great for little Bobby - until the accident.


Wanting to cover up what had happened from the public, the government paid fully for Bobby’s medical bills, and even promised that if bobby survived, they would pay his way for college. Although he survived, Bobby was left in horrible condition. But worse yet, the damage meant he would never pass the physical to become an astronaut. Bobby had to spend years doing physical therapy. He hated it - but he did manage to enjoy the water therapy where he’d swim and exercise in the pool. It was the only thing that helped him feel like a normal kid again.

His parents, not wanting him to give up on having dreams, were quick to jump onto his new love for swimming. So they introduced him to a new kind of science - Marine biology. Bobby took to it like a fish to water. Fish weren’t exactly aliens, but the idea of so much of the ocean being undiscovered, filled with alien like creatures? It was more than enough to rekindle his dreams.  

Bobby, who started to go by full name Robert Fickle, quickly grew up and learned how to live with his physical disabilities. He was phenomenal in school and excelled even further after accepting the offer from the best scientific college around. He was truly happy.

PoSt Graduation

He spent years working in marine biology, but decided to take a small break, and worked as a teacher instead. During that time he let one of his old childhood friends Ricky move in with him after being homeless, and the two were just as close as before. But Robert was unaware of what his friend was up to. They lived together for two years before Ricky vanished. Robert even asked for police help, only to realize that his friend hadn’t been homeless, but had gotten out of prison, and had been under investigation before vanishing. 

Heartbroken that his friend didn’t let him help him out, but also pissed that Ricky never told him anything about his history, Robert was left cleaning up the mess. While cleaning out Ricky's room, that he had never been allowed in, he came across a fish-tank, overran with algae. But what was worse was the fact it had something alive in it. Multiple things. It takes time, but Robert manages to get a much better tank going, and keep his new pets in memory of Ricky.  

But eventually someone showed up to investigate where Ricky had lived - and that someone was from the government. One look at Robert's, who was caught off guard while in the middle of feeding his new pets, and more agents were called in. And as Robert would come to find out, the creatures were anything but earthly. He'd been raising aliens - but more so, aliens who had been smuggled out of a facility by Ricky himself. 

Even worse, the government had spent millions trying to keep the rest of them alive, but had failed. The agents weren't sure how to feel with they realized that Robert had easily succeeded where they'd failed, with nothing more than twenty bucks worth of supplies from the nearest dollar store.

Unable to pass up the opportunity, or separate the aliens from Robert without risking more casualties, the organization offered Robert a job and funding to continue to care for his 'pets.' He took it without question.

  • Has a bad habit of biting his knuckles when nervous or experiencing extreme anxiety. Usually happens during his pet’s monthly checkups, or when his work computer freezes.

  • Can and will info dump when asked about things he loves. Though it makes for some amazing reports and/or presentations, it is also a common occurrence for other members of the GSD to make a list of words to avoid saying anywhere near Robert to prevent said info dumps.

  • Will go to extreme lengths for scientific discoveries and the protection of others. Was once stabbed on the job when trying to stop an anti-GSD protester from getting into the building.

  • His physical disabilities don’t usually hinder him, but on bad days Robert will refuse to leave his room. The organization makes sure to give him the time and privacy he needs, and anyone found bothering him during this time without extreme reasons will be severely reprimanded. 

Links - (Coming soon)

Though not close enough to be considered friends, they share a high level of respect for each other. Elizabeth was the one who first recruited Robert.


Mr DurreLDisgruntled Bodyguard
There is little in the world that Durrel loves more than making everyone else's day a little harder. Especially Robert's. Durrel is his body guard.


T.A.G (RF-22-7)Its...complicated
The very source of the mermaid rumor. T.A.G isnt sure how to feel about the scientist who saved him from dissection, but has yet to try and kill Robert. Though the rest of the team hasn't been as lucky...

[See also: Robert's Parents]