OTA's Comments

Is this fellow still up for offer?

I can offer art- (headshots, fullbodies, whatever you see fit.)

Do you need art examples?

They're is still up for offer! I just took a look at the art on your profile! I'm thinking 2 busts if that's alright with you? I'd be happy to negotiate in dms or something if otherwise! I really like your art! 💖

Of course!

Which characters would you like me to draw? (Also i'd approxamate me being finished with the drawings in about two to three days)

Alrighty! Do you think you can draw https://toyhou.se/11348343.bip and https://toyhou.se/6443476.patch ?

Of course!

I finished the drawings! I hope they're alright ^^


Sending over the character now tysm!

1 Replies