(TOH) Arves



2 years, 10 months ago


Full name: Arves Coles (Arves is pronounced as Arvest)

Gender: Male

Height: 6’11

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Species: Demon (Goat)

School: Hexside

Year: Second

Tracks: Beast Keeping And Bard

Theme: TBD

Current Status: Unknown


He's a sweet guy that's quite big and still growing. He's the type of teen willing to help others in need, but sometimes likes to get into his far share of messing around (just as long as it's not mean spirted). Although his father tries to be supportive, his workaholic life to support both of them often gets both of them into disagreements due to not agreeing to everything. It is because of this that he has not told him about multi-tracking at Hexside.

He loves all creatures and tends to help those who need help, regardless if their being hunted by bounty hunters.

His palisman is a yellow frog with a cream colored under belly. It often gets lost when not following Arves's commands, so Arves is always making sure his palisman doesn't get into trouble.

His current whereabouts post Day Of Unity is unknown.