


6 years, 8 months ago


Approved by PaperInquisitor

...You're Cruisin' for a Bruisin' baby...

【 Name 】Stettson
【 Age 】27
【 Gender 】Male
【 Species 】Stellarnaut
【 Alignment 】Chaotic Bad
【 Status 】Single
【 Theme Song 】


--Will add in later--

Current Life

Stettson is one of Cipher's inventions, and he has Stellarnaut features as well as robotic and animal features. 


  • Stettson once found a box of VHS tapes with movies from the 50s and 60s, and instantly fell in love with the greaser aesthetic. He styled his hair to look like a greaser and picked up a lot of slang from the movies he watched.
  • Stettson, raised on morals against good, often finds himself questioning his actions.
  • Stettson's love of the greaser style goes well beyond just aesthetic. It didn't just click with him based on looks alone; before he found those tapes he just didn't have much of a personality. Like, sure, he had emotions and stuff but he wasnt really sure who he was as a person, especially considering he's an invention. Watching those 60s shows gave him some context to himself; there was stuff going on there that he was able to just, connect with, something he hadn't been able to really do before. It's like he discovered he was a greaser all along and just didn't know it. (courtesy of varkarrus)

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