


8 years, 11 months ago



Other Names:Thistlekit, Thistledown
Name meaning: {Thistle} - named for her long, wild fur
                                       {paw} - traditional prefix for apprentice rank
Clan: ThunderClan
Age: 7 moons
Birth Season: Early Greenleaf
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Apprentice
Scent: Lemongrass & Rain
Voice:Elle Fanning
Sexuality: Pansexual
Mentor: Lionfang

i ran through brambles, blooming thistle / i washed my face in the river when you whistled me on / darling dear, what have you done?

[forest hunting]
[moor hunting]
[patrolling borders]
[belief in starclan]






[ Breed ] Maine Coon x Moggy

[ Description ]
Thistlepaw is a massive cat thanks to her heritage, boasting wide shoulders, stocky build, and powerful muscles. Her long, wild fur only adds to her size, easily making her one of ThunderClan's largest apprentices. She is a dark brown mackerel tabby, her pelt ranging from medium chocolate browns and darker, with her stripes nearly black. Her muzzle, chest, and paws are a mocha-colored, creamy brown, though she has a toe on each of her forepaws that is white. She also has a spot of white above her nose. Her nose and pawpads are black, and her ears are tufted in black fur as well. Her tail is striped and tipped in black, and large and thick enough to be considered dangerous in its own right. Because she has strong Maine Coon genes in her blood, her large paws are slightly webbed and her fur is water resistant, making her a naturally strong swimming despite not being RiverClan. Her eyes are a deep sky blue, always wide with excitement over something.
[ Height ] Tall
[ Weight] Heavy, muscled
[ Eyes] Blue
[ Fur Length ] Long, messy, wild
[ Scent ] Lemongrass & Rain


[ a s s e r t i v e ]
thistlepaw is not the type to stand idly by when she is being wronged. she knows the code, and as such she knows what is and isn't allowed. she will almost always speak up when she feels she is in the right. she likes to get what she wants, but she usually doesn't cross the line from assertive to aggressive unless she is very angry. her assertiveness is not limited to herself, and she finds herself frustrated when others are too passive and let themselves be taken advantage of--she often speaks out on behalf of most soft-spoken friends because of this, but can sometimes sort of steamroll them into agreeing with her without meaning to. 

[ c u r i o u s ]
they say curiosity killed the cat, and while it hasn't yet for thistlepaw, she is certainly testing its resolve. she has the tendency to stick her nose in just about everything. she loves exploring, trying new things, and learning. though she is inquisitive, there are some topics she is just fundamentally uninterested in--she has no interest in herbs or most things medicine cats have to learn, and thinks it could possibly be the dullest duty within the clan.

[ i m p u l s i v e ]
thistlepaw is a very excitable cat, often getting caught up in the energy of whatever she's doing. as such, she tends to be the sort to forget to look before she leaps, and it can certainly land her in trouble. but her impulses help her at times, and she relies on them when things move too fast for her to think. it does mean she struggles, especially as an early apprentice, with hunting, as she isn't very patient and is often sure she's in the best position possible to catch the prey.

[ p r i d e f u l ]
if everyone falls to one of the deadly sins, pride is thistlepaw's downfall. she loves knowing that she did well, and she likes bragging about her achievements--not in a manner meant to say, 'i'm better than you;' simply just that she is proud of her own hard work and excited about her progress. it does lead her to become overconfident in certain cases--and paired with her size as a maine coon cat, she often thinks she can take on any physical challenge that comes her way.

[ o u t g o i n g ]
as long as two clans aren't at ends with each other or on the brink of an all-out war, thistlepaw will happily go to a Gathering and befriend every cat. she doesn't see different clans as barriers between friendship, and will even trust and talk to loners. she loves making friends, talking, and playing around with apprentices in her own clan, and tends to get very down and miserable if its been a while since she's spoken to a friend.
[ c l e v e r ]
though she isn't necessarily intelligent, thistlepaw is a quick learning, able to figure out different skills with easy once she sets her mind to them. mentors typically wouldn't have to teach her the same thing more than once, and she isn't forgetful--though they might have to help her get the footwork and position exactly right--but once she knows it, she knows it. that said, she does normally need to be shown, and can't pick up more advanced techniques without assistance. 

kithood | 0-6 ☾
thistlekit was born during an outbreak of kitten cough, to a queen who bared four kits. despite constant care and the best herbs they had on hand, one by one, each of the kits died until only thistlekit was left. her mother worried and fussed constantly that thistlekit wouldn't make it, but she soon, she was cleared of kitten cough and declared healthy. thistlekit spend her kithood mostly in the nursery with her overprotective mother constantly hovering around her to make sure she was all right, barely able to speak to other cats without her mother by her side.

apprenticeship | 6-? ☾
her apprenticeship has only just begun so there is little to say here! however, she is very excited to finally get to leave the nursery and the camp, looking forward to stretching her wings and learning how to become a proper warrior.




[ orientation ] pansexual
[ status] single
[ looking for ] a crush! she's too young to have a mate but she still thinks about it sometimes
[ preferences ] confidence!! outgoing personalities, good sense of humor; fluffy, long-haired cats; bright, eye-catching pelts; adventurous; someone who can be a best friend and a mate; green eyes

Current Mate: n/a
Ex-Mates: n/a
Romantic Interest: none
Past romantic interests: none



     favorite | hated
[time of day]moonhighsunhigh
[weather]drizzlethunder and lightning
» to become a warrior» twolegs
» to have an apprentice» floods
» to become deputy» foxes
» to become leader» failure
» to be considered strong» death






FREE - ThunderClan bullet by October-Owl

Snowstar // Bullet; OrangeBullet; OrangeBullet; Orange / Bullet; BlackBullet; Black // Sabaku-no-Saya 
"The leader of ThunderClan is obviously amazing! All his scars make him look so cool and strong! I wouldn't mind being a leader one day myself, and Snowstar is a great example to follow!"
Tigerflower  // Bullet; OrangeBullet; OrangeBullet; Orange / Bullet; Blue / Bullet; BlackBullet; Black // W-olf-Of-Storms 
"It's really cool that the deputy of ThunderClan is a powerful she-cat! She's so pretty too! I bet she has so many amazing stories to tell! I'd love to get to know her."
lionfang Icon by DarkWater-AdminsLionfang // Bullet; Orange / Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange / Bullet; Blue / Bullet; Black / Star! // EyelessAkala
"I haven't had much chance to train with him yet, but he's so cool! He's big and strong and he has a powerful presence! I want to be like that some day. I hope I can make him proud!"
Birchface (Mother) // Bullet; Red / Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange / Bullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; Pink / Bullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; Blue / Bullet; PurpleBullet; Purple // NPC
"Even though my mom can be insaaaanely overprotective and controlling, I know she's just doing what she thinks is best for me. But I know the life of a warrior is dangerous and I'm gonna be careful! I wish she would trust me more."
Quickclaw (Father) // Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange / Bullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; Pink / Bullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; Blue / Bullet; PurpleBullet; Purple // NPC
"My dad gives me more slack than my mom does, and I like that! I feel like he trusts me more and believes in me more. He's a really skilled hunter and I hope I can impress him as a warrior!"
gingerfang icon by DarkWater-AdminsGingerfang // Bullet; Orange / Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange / Bullet; Blue // peachrinqs 
"I like Gingerfang! He's pretty approachable for a warrior, and not very serious! He has a funny sense of humor, too. I hope we can work together soon!"
whitepaw icon by DarkWater-AdminsWhitewhisker // Bullet; GreenBullet; Green / Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange / Bullet; Blue // c-hiibify 
"Wow! I can't believe she's a warrior now! She's so cool, I hope I can be a warrior like her soon! It's nice to have another cat my size around, and I like working together with her! She's quieter than I am, but still pretty cool."
Echowhisper // Bullet; Orange / Bullet; Green / Bullet; Blue // echosensei
"Echopaw is great! She's really sweet but she seems so shy! I wish I could help her come out of her shell more. She seems really great. Seeing what happened to her after she was attacked makes me so mad, though! We have to watch our borders more carefully so it doesn't happen again."
ratpaw icon by DarkWater-AdminsRatpaw // Bullet; Orange / Bullet; Blue // TACOBELLABAE 
"I don't know him that well yet, but he seems nice! I've heard he's a bit flirty, but if he tries to use a line on me I'll put him in his place!"
squirrelpaw icon by DarkWater-AdminsSquirrelpaw // Bullet; Orange / Bullet; Blue // Hawkfeather376
"He's so tiny!! Well, compared to me. But he seems like a pretty cool guy! Even if he does wake up at the crack of dawn every day!"


FREE - RiverClan bullet by October-Owl

 Mistypaw // Bullet; Orange / Bullet; Blue // InuShibaa 
"She's the medicine cat from RiverClan! I can't imagine being a Medicine Cat myself, but I like her. She's got an adventurous spirit, even if she's a little nervous."


FREE - StarClan bullet by October-Owl

Wrenkit, Rosekit, Cedarkit (Littermates) // Bullet; BlueBullet; Blue / Bullet; PurpleBullet; Purple / Skull and Crossbones // NPC
"I never really got to know you guys, all I really remember is how warm the nursery was when you were still there. I hope you're all having fun in StarClan."