Lila Slymm



2 years, 10 months ago


Lila Slymm is a young woman with an interest in videogames. Mostly mobile games.

When  she first came onto The Rise, she was nervous about the others finding  out she wasn't human. But after realising that people didn't mind she  was actually a slime person, she began to embrace herself for who she  really was, after living in fear that she'd be injured or worse for so  long.

Misc stuff;

  • She's  not the smartest person in the group. Since she's not ENTIRELY caught  up with human culture, she tends to do things one would consider...  strange. Such as eating candy with the wrapper still on, or speaking to  characters on television, not knowing that it's prerecorded.
  • As a slime person, she cannot be near any large quantaties of water. While she can still drink water  in small amounts, if she's submerged in it, or gets caught in heavy  rain, it can be dangerous for her.
    • Additionally, other extreme  weather conditions can also be harmful to her; Extreme heat can cause  her to melt and possibly even dry up, and extreme cold can cause her to  freeze.
    • However, that said, it's very hard to actually kill  her. As long as her heart is intact, she can regenerate from anything  given enough time.
  • While she's a decent shapeshifter,  she mostly stays in her casual human form, only really shapeshifting  into other forms if she feels the need to.
    • She can shapeshift into anything, provided she has a reference or general idea what to transform into.