Ayame Katou



6 years, 10 months ago


Ayame Katou || Doe ; 15 yrs// 5’5

Class 1-B

Quirk: Rabbit.

- Although regular rabbits don’t have paw pads, Ayame does -- as a result of an originally healthy quirk marriage (her father has a canine quirk, it was largely passed onto her older brother; a pro hero.) Katou's quirk gives her great strength in her arms and legs and paw pads on her hands and feet that help to alleviate pressures of jumping/landing and rough terrain, and enough power to burrow holes into any surface. Quicker when not flat on her feet. Can grow her nails into sturdy claws for burrowing and has powerful teeth. She has extremely good hearing and can release a high pitched scream that stuns any target for about a minute. Although strong, her heart beats irregularly - and any slight overuse of her physical abilities can cause a heart attack, her scream - if used too long - will begin to deteriorate her muscles due to the high frequency and vibrations.

Personality; Although seemingly quiet, Katou has much to say. Classified by Akhila Khatri as a "Brainiac," she has much to say intellectually speaking. At school, she is very on-edge and excels in most classes, but is actually quite lazy. Her drive is to impress her father who is never at home due to what he calls business.  

Ayame Katou is, in fact, Jun Katou's half sister, unbeknownst to both of them despite sharing the same last name.