Kada Phen



2 years, 10 months ago


Kada Phen

  • Full Name : Kada Phen
  • Nickname(s) : Koddy
  • Age : 30 standard years (Born 435 ABY, Died 508 ABY @ 73 years)
  • Pronouns : She/Her
  • Sexuality : Asexual Demiromantic
  • Species : Togruta
  • Homeworld : Tatooine
  • Occupation : Bounty Hunter
  • Status : Neutral
  • Height : 5'10" / 177 cm.
  • Weight : 160 Ibs. / 72 kg.
  • Voiceclaim : Sadie Adler(RDR2)


  • Kada Phen is force-sensitive. However, she rarely indulges in the force and only uses her abilities if it’s absolutely necessary.
  • She develops a mother-son relationship with Darth Viverius when he’s a young apprentice, roughly the age of 14-15 before his alleged death.
  • After his death”, she stopped working alongside the Sith and returned to her old bounty-hunting life with his personal invention, C-K Cadaver.
  • Cadaver and Kada Phen quickly became known as a deadly duo of bounty hunters, becoming nearly unstoppable wherever they went.
  • Her ship is a D5-Mantis Patrol Craft that has been passed down through her family for generations. It’s name is the Bounty 01.
  • Comes from a long line of bounty hunters and avid collectors. Her family prides themselves on their collection of old and ancient relics from past wars, other cultures, and even a few ancient Sith and Jedi relics. Their collection goes generations back and it ranges from capes to lightsabers, and so much more.
  • Some of the most notable and impressive items in the family’s collection includes: A beskar spear, the mask of General Grievous(which was later used to create C-K Cadaver), various lightsabers of famous Jedi, Imperial Era stormtrooper helmets, and really anything you can think of.
  • Kada Phen has a twin sister by the name of Nosa Phel, who is now a Jedi like her mother.
  • Her father, Kubree Raali, was a bounty hunter. Her mother, Koso Phel, was a Jedi who left the order after falling pregnant with the twins and decided to stay on Tatooine with their father as much as she hated the planet. He was adamant about staying on his homeplanet.