Star Gazer [$40]



6 years, 10 months ago
Trade Listing
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Name: Star Gazer

4454481_bADn3qLmZL2z2IJ.png?1502236218Nickname: Star

Gender: Mare

Race: Unicorn

Birthday: August 21

Mutation: Long lion-like tail, back scales, slightly longer horn

Height: A smige taller then average

Talent: Astronomy

Residence: Canterlot 

Interests: Astronomy, space, light clothing design (she makes almost all her clothing), dancing, magic, ice skating

About: Star is a bubbly and excitable pony. She is an introvert, even if coming off as more of an extrovert as she is actually quite shy and quiet around people she doesn't know. It isn't until Star starts feeling more comfortable with who she was around that she becomes talkative and open. Though she can talk other pony's ears off she is always able to tell when she should hold off, having always been hyper aware of how others are feeling. One of her favorite things to do is to explain Astronomy to others, usually losing herself in her own excitement and awe that sometimes she forgets to pause to ask if they are following. Most pony's actually enjoy this about her, though, finding it sweet that she is so patient about it.
Star is specialized in magic that assists her with her work...these including viewing spells to increse the power of her telescopes and projection spells which helps her create a 3-d map around her of what she has discovered. She is also a fan of water and ice magic and has a habbit of dabbling in other forms in her free time.   

Worth: $100