Philip Hylidae



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Philip Hylidae








Name: Philip Hylidae
Likes when people call him Phi, 'That weird frog kid'
Full Title: N/A
Alignment: Celestial
Physical Age: 17
Actual Age: 17
Skill type: frogs??
Weapon('s): ??? frogs??
Fighting Style: Philip seems to be the type to avoid fighting all together. Since he's a recent addition, nobody really knows what to expect. As it is, he hasn't picked up arms yet and doesn't seem interested to. In fact he hasn't even bothered to try summoning his weapon despite being encouraged too. It kind of brings up the question as to why he's even here.

N/A - Can communicate with frogs.


+Rainy days
+Frog watching
+Cooking on a fire
+Burnt marshmallows
+Hanging out at the lake

-Being too warm
-Being too cold
-Someone saying they don't like frogs
-Abysmally sunny days
-The sun has no business being that hot
-Ungodly cold days
-Getting called lazy
-Seeing frogs in danger



  • Adventurous
  • Curious
  • Leisurely
  • Sensitive
  • Stubborn
  • Unsociable

Phillip being very much a new addition, he hasn't made an effort to get to know the other Celestials. In fact nobody except for perhaps Apollo and Irene has heard him speak at all.
He's naturally a quiet boy and won't make the slightest effort to talk to others, even when he's addressed he might straight-up ignore others or very-well could be lost in thought and not have heard them. He doesn't see this as being rude, and really doesn't mean to be. More or less, it's a lack of interest in you as a person. It sounds harsh but if Philip doesn't have an interest in something, he finds it hard to concentrate and will basically give up to do something he does care about. Though despite this, he's got a curious nature and when something or someone does manage to pique his interest he'll be all over it in a second. He's also rather leisurely in his actions. This could easily be mistaken for laziness as he takes his time and likes to dawdle a lot. But ultimately he's a 'stop and smell the roses' kind of guy, and what's the point of living if you don't appreciate the small things (like frogs). Despite his laid back way of living, he may come off as pushy. When Philip wants something he's rather clear about it and won't give up until he gets it. As evidenced by him not leaving Apollo's front lawn until he was finally invited in to see the wizard. He's also not very expressive with his words or face or, anything really. He's really quite emotional, but you would never be able to tell on the outside. He could get offended and the only indication you would get is that he'd avoid you. Though Philip likes to keep to himself, he's always ready to talk about frogs... 'talk' about frogs.


 Frogs: He loves frogs, all of his best friends are frogs.

 Percival Rhodason: Uhm.. the 'Celestial Prince'? Philip doesn't really get the title, but it seemed to be a big deal? Percival tried to talk to him one or twice but Philip wasn't sure what to say so he ignored him. Seems like a nice guy though, he didn't freak out when Bentley(frog) jumped on him.

 Isaac Partridge: Is he mad about something? Though called Philip cute a few times, that was nice. Also!! He has green hair and it reminds Philip of a tree frog!!

 Irene Moore: !! Is very green! Philip approved! Seems really nice, but her soup is bad.  

Theme/ transformation/battle: 
Theme: Killerblood - Future World

History: - Philip made his way to the Celestial manor after a lot of searching. He wasn't sure if he would 'make the cut' as it were.. But there was one thing he wanted above all others and if there was a possibility to make it happen, he would have to try.
Or well, he would have liked to try, but all the want in the world wouldn't stop him from being turned away at the door, huh. So Philip stubbornly planted himself on the doorstep. Nobody knows how long he waited there, maybe he didn't even know himself. But eventually somebody did come out and he was given a meeting with Apollo.
That was fine and dandy and all, but it didn't mean anything if Apollo didn't give him what he wanted. Lo and behold, Philip did hold potential and since the Celestials seemed like a friendly bunch, Philip joined their ranks.


   ◉ In jr high, he once freed every single frog from class
   ◉ He owns at least 20 frogs as pets, but somehow he keeps accumulating more and honestly it just happens.
   ◉ He lives in Apollo's mansion but despite that he goes to classes every day.
   ◉ Nobody's really sure where Philip came from, but they do know he was adamant about becoming a magical boy and wouldn't leave the yard until Apollo did what he wanted.
   ◉ His parents died when he entered high school. But they were rich as hell and his uncle volunteered to do all the finance stuff. He's been living in an apartment on his own for about two years. But he's pretty happy now that he can just move into the Celestial mansion and not pay rent.
   ◉ Everyone at school thinks he's weird too, it's okay. He's graduating soon and the frogs are all he needs.
   ◉ His favourite frog's name is Pablo.
   ◉ But don't tell the other frogs that Pablo is his favourite.