Frankie Downes



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Frankie Downes




Male [he/him]


5'4" (164cm)


57 kg


[Plastic Age] - creates/manipulates plastic


Inorganic/Polymer Chemist


24th November

Blood Type



obnoxious genius chemist from the city of Anthill, post apocalyptia 


Frankie was born into the working class of Anthill. He never knew his biological father, as his parents were not a formal couple, but he was raised by his mother and her friend (who eventually became her girlfriend). 

Even as a child he was eccentric and precocious, he would read whatever he could get his hands on, be it picture books, flyers, or discarded pages of ancient encyclopaedias, usually scavenged or bartered for by his parents. He socialised with children his own age but tended to be rather pushy as a very young child, though as he got older he settled down a lot. He is especially close to his biological mother, but while he likes his step-mother as a person, he doesn’t really have a close familial bond with her (he considers her a "treasured acquaintance").


Frankie is book-smart, that much is certain. He is seldom entirely reliable, however, as if he isn’t committed to something he will lose interest quickly. Fortunately for him, he loves his job, he loves having access to amenities and materials often withheld from the masses. While he has a healthy curiosity, he is often content to rest on his laurels, or to ruminate on a single idea. Frankie has a lesser-than-average concept of both danger and personal space, and a fairly inflated sense of self-importance. Will hardly blink at torture or murder if they don’t concern him personally, and would have little issue doing either if it was necessary.

Frankie generally likes people, and will be entirely polite as long as they are polite to him, but he only attempts greater bonds with people he finds interesting or worthy of his respect, whether due to power, ability, or ambition. On the topic of ambition, Frankie doesn’t have any particular goals in life, more likely to hang on to another’s goal until he doesn’t like the idea any longer. He is fairly content where he is right now, and will likely be for a while unless he finds something he finds more interesting...


The first thing many people notice about Frankie is that he seems abnormally... clean. While the majority of Anthill is perpetually covered in a healthy layer of dirt and grime, not even the smallest stain or the lightest dust is apparent on any part of him. It's also easy to forget that Frankie is only 5'4, as he holds himself with the confidence of someone much taller than he, and doesn't shy from confrontation.

His facial features heavily resemble his mother--arched brows, round face, knowing dark eyes with thick eyelashes--and his black hair is thick and long, usually tucked behind his ears and hung over his shoulder in a loose ponytail, though he plaits it when he sleeps to avoid tangling. He has a large mole on his right cheek. The pointed acrylic nails he insists on wearing are of his own creation.






  • Buggles - Living in the Plastic Age (Ability/Namesake)
  • Frankie Goes to Hollywood - The Only Star in Heaven (Namesake)