


6 years, 10 months ago



Name Midgepaw

Former Names Midgekit

Age 6 moons [start date: 01/20/2022]

Gender Cis she-cat (she/her)

Orientation Unknown

Relationship Status Single

Residence RiverClan

Rank Apprentice

Mentor Dustwhisker

Groups Faith of the Clans (2022)



Midgepaw is a white she-cat with brown-to-black points on her legs and face; white toes on her forepaws; a black, white-tipped tail; and pale green eyes. Her build is tall and wiry; as she grows older her face will become increasingly narrow, with a long snout and a severe jawline, and her legs will lengthen considerably. Her tail, cheeks, and forehead tuft are all quite fluffy, but the rest of her fur is thin enough to reveal the sharp bones underneath. She is strikingly beautiful — and her beauty is perhaps the only aspect of herself she is proud of.


Slender white she-cat with pale green eyes and brown and black points.


  • Inventive
  • Thoughtful
  • Observant
  • Persistent
  • Focused
  • Guarded
  • Vain
  • Rude
  • Selfish

Fixated on her irrational desire to achieve the same acceptance among and attention from Clanmates that Nightlily enjoys, Midgepaw is not quite herself. She presents as standoffish and reclusive, communicates through insults and pranks, and pursues her goal with stubborn ignorance despite mounting evidence that she is not following the right path. Her good looks are her only asset she shares naturally with Nightlily, and as such she is incredibly vain about her appearance to the point of being obnoxiously, unwarrantedly boastful about it to whoever will listen to her. None of this quite helps Midgepaw's case in terms of her lacking social life, but even so she is something of a busybody, talented at soaking up information about her Clanmates (who barely know her and don't really care to) and putting it to good use through her pranks. Despite repeated rejection, she lacks inhibition about jumping into conversations and attempting to assimilate into clique after clique. She is frustrated that no matter what she does, Nightlily always seems to be dazzling while Midgepaw seems to be chasing her tail.

Beneath all of the sharpness of front and frame, Midgepaw is deeply insecure. She believes that her beauty is the only good thing about her — otherwise she is devastatingly average, which in her eyes makes her unloveable. She worries that she will always feel lonely despite being surrounded by her Clan unless she achieves the grace, strength, and confidence Nightlily possesses. The rest of her family keeps telling her that she is in fact special and lovable and that she doesn't need to try so hard to make connections, but Midgepaw thinks they are only saying that because they're related to her. This breaks her heart, but she refuses to show it — instead she just keeps mouthing off to them and spending as much time away from them as possible.

Bodily Traits
Scars & Injuries
  • Craftsmanship
  • Input
  • Focus
  • Self esteem
  • Politeness
  • Decision-making
  • Her appearance
  • Getting attention
  • Planning pranks
  • Her personality
  • Being excluded
  • Being young
  • Being as popular as Nightlily
  • TBD...
  • Being vulnerable
  • Being average
  • Permanently damaging her relationships with her Clanmates



During the leaf-fall journey to the new territories, young RiverClan warriors Asterstrike and Ripplefrost, newfound friends, began to fall in love with each other. By the time they had arrived in their new home the two were closely bonded, and after settling in they decided to become mates even though neither cat had ever really seen themself having kits. That greenleaf, Nightkit and Rapidkit entered the world. Nightkit quickly asserted herself as strong and confident, percieving weakness in nervous and inquisitive Rapidkit. As leaf-fall faded into leaf-bare, the two were made apprentices. Athletic and gregarious, Nightpaw excelled in her training and became quite popular among most other apprentices. But her disdain for her brother and other cats like him deepened, damaging the siblings' relationship and establishing a harsh social order in the apprentice den.

Meanwhile, Asterstrike and Ripplefrost were making the decision to try for another litter....


Midgekit was born into Asterstrike's second litter alongside her siblings Gullkit and Yewkit as newleaf flowers were just beginning to blossom. A few weeks into their lives, the kits' teeth started coming in; Midgekit was particularly distressed by the pain, and subsequently she became known as the nursery nuisance for teething on anything and anyone she could find. Being yowled at didn't deter Midgekit in the slightest: even at that early age she wanted to be the center of attention, regardless of whether the attention was good or bad. She was willing to bite to get it.

Nightpaw and Rapidpaw regularly stopped by the nursery to spend time with their mother and new siblings. It took a while for the kits' consciousnesses to develop enough to remember these frequent visitors. In the budding mind of Midgekit, Rapidpaw gradually took shape as a gentle, goofy giant... and Nightpaw crystallized as a heroine straight out of the legends queens told to overactive kits who refused to go to sleep. The black she-cat was gorgeous: silky fur, tufted ears, brilliant violet eyes. She seemed sure of every movement down to the twitch of her whiskers. She walked with such purpose, head and tail lifted effortlessly skyward. She was full of stories about the new kinds of prey she had learned to catch, the expert-level battle moves she had perfected in training, the details of other Clans' territories she had observed on patrol. She put annoying and useless Clanmates in their place. And all the coolest cats in RiverClan noticed — congregated around her with starry eyes and bubbly laughter; shared with her tongues and fresh-kill and secrets and evening strolls around camp. To Midgekit, Nightpaw was as good as Clan leader, or at least a deputy. And when Nightpaw commented offhandedly to Asterstrike one day about how pretty and smart Midgekit was becoming when the she-kit was pretending to take a nap, she realized that she had a chance to be that lovely too.

But it was much, much harder than Nightpaw made it look. Midgekit tried her big sister's graceful, chin-first walk, but it made her neck hurt. She groomed herself until her fur seemed to glow (she triple-checked) despite the soreness of her tongue, but it didn't make any of the other nursery occupants — much less any of Nightpaw's admirers, let alone Nightpaw herself — pay any more attention to her already impressive looks. She attempted to escape camp a couple times in the hope that she'd find a detail Nightpaw had not yet discovered, but someone always caught her before she made it very far. She crafted mossball after mossball from the extra scraps apprentices tossed her so she could get a head-start on her pouncing, but the plushness against her pawpads meant nothing if Nightpaw was out there somewhere sinking her claws into juicy prey. Then Nightpaw and Rapidpaw became Nightlily and Rapidfog... and her big sister's prowess and popularity seemed even more out of Midgekit's reach. Burning with envy and alarm, she doubled down on all the things she could continue to practice without getting in trouble. After a couple more weeks, Midgekit was getting the hang of it: the poised walk, the lush coat, and even some of the acerbic remarks she heard Nightlily making to weaklings, a category that apparently included Rapidfog. Her parents and littermates frowned at Midgekit's emerging edges towards her big brother, whom she had always been fond of — clearly this was a result of Nightlily's influence. Sensing the possibility of a deep-rooted insecurity within the she-kit, they implored her to be herself, because they loved her that way. Midgekit just stuck her nose up in the air and told them she was being herself, thank you very much. Then she called them all minnow-brains.

In the final few moons of her kithood, Midgekit grew frustrated: despite her obscene beauty and genius comebacks, no one was paying nearly as much attention to her as they were to Nightlily. She didn't have a single friend aside from her littermates, which everyone knows doesn't count. So she thought and thought about what she could do to get them to notice her skills... and then it came to her: pranks! Kits in the nursery pulled tiny, harmless pranks on each other all the time, but maybe kicking it up a notch would get her somewhere. Midgekit spent the next couple days casually meandering around camp, listening in on scraps of conversation, absorbing information about their hopes and fears and preferences and aversions, designing elaborate tricks in her head, bristling at anyone who caught her snooping. Then... she set off. Dirt and then dirt suddenly appeared in the nest of an orderly elder. A warrior skittish around insects reached for a delicious trout and shrieked at the discovery of a giant (but dead) beetle underneath it. Two younger kits with similar appearances, gauded into obedience by certain bribery, somehow swapped nests overnight and went undetected (... for all of fifteen minutes, but still). A couple days later a third kit agreed to sneak out in the middle of the night and sleep on top of the nursery, prompting half the camp to panic until he was discovered.

Midgekit's ideas for new pranks seemed endless. It didn't take long for everyone to pick her out as the orchestrator of all the chaos. But none of the safeguards they implemented to protect themselves were strong enough to suppress her. She spotted Nightlily and her friends smirking with approval at some of her antics and evasions, especially when cats the clique liked to pick on were the target, but mostly they were too busy to notice. She tried hanging with some of her older siblings' wilder peers, new warriors who had made similar trouble as kits and seemed sympathetic to her mischief... but somehow she always ended up trailing behind them. They didn't seem to really want to include a kit — even one as unbelievably arresting as her, and on the verge of apprenticehood to boot — in their world.

As her apprentice ceremony approached and greenleaf began to wither into leaf-fall, Midgekit stopped being able to sleep. She was too busy staring at the ceiling of the nursery, lost in restless thought. Most often she ran everyone's reactions to her latest schemes through her head, finally allowing herself to wince at the fear and anger and sadness she stirred up that day. She knew she was hurting her Clanmates by pulling these pranks, and it weighed on her. But if, in the event that Midgekit ever stopped, no one paid attention to her at all anymore, she would be even lonelier than she had been lately. So that was that. If no one could love her, then everyone would have to hate her.




  • Midge- — For her thin build and dark markings.
  • -paw — Traditional apprentice suffix.
  • Starting age: 6 moons [starting date: 01/20/2022].
  • Voiceclaim and faceclaim: Amelia Anne Walker (possibly without the English accent!).
  • Designed by Raccoonhearted on 08/02/2016 (proof).
  • Adopted from Raccoonhearted on 07/17/2017 (proof).

Mother (@MatchaMeow)

Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.

Father (@MochaMeow)

Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.

Sister (lexhowdie)

Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.

Brother (raccove)

Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.

Brother (orchidguts)

Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.

Sister (Yodo)

Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.

code by jiko