Hayate Akihiko



2 years, 9 months ago


Hayate Akihiko

22 yrs old (100+)

April 21st






Runaway little guy


  • Fluorescent Fungus
  • Crystal marrow
  • Plants

  • Loud and obnoxious people 
  • Old people, the thought of ageing
  • Raiden Shogun

  • Constellation: Princeps Lucidum
  • Vision: Anemo
  • Weapon: Sword
  • Region: Inazuma

 We can stick together if that's  what you wish. Please don't talk as much though, it's distracting. 

Hayate is a young man who finds himself drawn in to the inviting dark of the island enshrouded in fog. His family had many ties with the electro archon herself, but he didn't agree with the dictator's choices and felt that the pain of watching everyone suffer under her rule was not worth it. He spent a few years in Tsurumi island which he considers his home away from home. The island is a very dangerous and mysterious place but its perfect for a mysterious man such as Hayate himself. He trained there by himself being lead by the wind to show him everything he needs to know. It was quite hard at first, but he got the hang of it, with the help of his familiars. Some may think he's insane for talking to butterflies as if they're people but he says that they're always keeping him company when he needs it the most. After connecting with the island itself, he had gained companions (the butterflies) who aid him in his battles. The butterflies are luminescent and constantly around him as if they are tied together. Many people have heard tales of Hayate from sailors who stepped foot onto Tsurumi...Most believe that he's a forest spirit haunting the island. How does he feel about this? We'll never know.

The luminescent butterflies- They are bound to their vessel who they entrust with their power. Hayate often uses them as spies, being able to see through them gives him an advantage. He is everywhere. The butterflies are like a guide through the endless fog of Tsurumi too. I mean, the fog is so thick you can't even tell night from day. There has been many situations where he has sent a butterfly along with a friend on a mission so that if something went wrong... he was alerted. After dying once before, the butterflies granted him another life but this doesn't always happen. If Hayate gets careless and dies again, he'll turn to butterflies as his body dissolves. That's how the sacred
insects multiplied throughout millenniums.

Hayate Akihiko - Hayate means "the powerful sound of the wind" and Akihiko means "Luminous prince"

After returning to Inazuma city, he finds out that his parents eventually overworked themselves to the point that they went insane and ---- , Word gets around very quickly so many people looked at him with disappointment in their eyes, he often felt as if people were mocking him by simply staring. Did he feel nothing? After his family has been forced into such a state? No, he felt something. He was upset at himself. He deserves all the glares and even worse for disappearing on his family like a coward when they needed him. Alas, he can't sulk. He took his hatred and directed it to the Raiden shogun. Joining the alliance of the people resisting against her rule, he swears to give eternity a good meaning once again. 

He doesn't feel accepted among the people in the main island so he finds Tsurumi to be a home away from home. 

Hayate is semi immortal kinda? He can die but he doesn't need necessities like food, water, hygiene or oxygen, he doesn't age either. He isn't like a stereotypical ghost though. He has a physical body and can get injured. 

After the war, fighting alongside the resistance and abolishing the vision hunt decree, he doesn't like how the shogun was still in control. How the common folk still put their faith in her. Sure she got rid of the decree but why was she still...worshiped? He doesn't agree with the circumstances. 



Kokomi Leader

Lead the resistance 

Gorou General
