


2 years, 10 months ago



caucasian . 29 . she/her . bisexual

"It's plain to see to me you're living life in and out of one's hand, catching rain like a stormy grain in the sand, it's obvious to me you're acting like somebody who knew you, you're untrue"


Name Genevieve
Age 29
Gender Cis Female
Species Human
Birthday April 11th
Height 168cm
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Barista

  • Finn
  • Marrow 
  • Black coffee

  • Gideon
  • Hot weather
  • Clutter


  • Her dog's name is Marrow. He's 10 years old. 
  • She has been to university, she has an English degree, but never used it. 
  • The cafe she works at is called "Blue Whale" (BW). It's every bit as ostentatious and overpriced as it sounds.  
  • As a teen, she had an interest in the occult. 
  • It never really went anywhere, though. 

Design Notes

  • When drawing her, she can be drawn in any clothes, as long as they're pale/white. 
  • She never really smiles or shows extreme emotion - the perfect fit for Finn. 


Gen never really found her way out of her hometown. Between stupid teen phases that lingered for far too long, and a general lack of drive to be anything other than a hermit, Gen's life slowly slipped into monotony. She was sliding down a ice hill at full velocity, headed for complete mediocrity. 

Now she's nothing, threatened by her parents into taking degrees and courses, but never going anywhere. Prettying up her appearance, working in "high-class" cafe, surrounding herself with beautiful people - none of it was making a difference.

Months of disillusionment and dullness were abruptly cut short when a mysterious stranger blew into town - a stranger Gen was convinced to nestle closer to. Nothing this interesting had happened in years! 


code by jiko | bg photo by Unsplash