


6 years, 10 months ago



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Owned by: Yokonaut



  • Name: Lee
  • Nicknames: N/A
  • Sex: Nonbinary Masculine
  • Species: Cat
  • Birthday: January 1st
  • Orientation: Asexual
  • Location: Hell


  • Hair Color: N/A
  • Hair Style: N/A
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Skin Color: Sky Blue
  • Build: Slender
  • Fashion Style: Business Formal
  • Physical Conditions: N/A
  • Other Info: wears glasses


  • MBTI Type: N/A
  • Political Alignment: Conservative
  • Moral Alignment: Lawful evil
  • Mental Illnesses: N/A

Likes: mysteries, logic puzzles, math, science, history, social sciences, hands on work, forensic science, crime documentaries, serial killer documentaries, personality quizzes and quiz sites, darker social media sites like 4chan
Dislikes: made up or exaggerated stories, know-it-alls, people who think they are better than him
Qualities: strangely charismatic, extremely intelligent (gifted), good at reading people, if he gives his word he will do it, down to earth, observant, alert at all times to danger, picks good quality friends, never lets himself get swept away by his emotions, thinks logically and rationally above all, effective leader, can calm others down, great memory, can learn new skills easily, adaptable, moderately sociable but prefers to be alone
Flaws: morbid, nihilistic, huuuuuuge ego, narcissistic, arrogant, downplays others' problems to magnify his own, cocky, braggart, apathetic, melodramatic, manipulative, brutally honest, hides feelings behind a mask
Goals: get accepted into a high iq society, crack some conspiracy theories, win a nobel prize, make tons of money
Fears: going broke, people not wanting to be around him because of his narcissism
Habits: humble bragging
Talents: solving logic puzzles, doing mental math, predicting plot twists in movies and books, having a high level vocabulary, identifying patterns in the world around him, negotiating, public speaking, persuasion, debating, intense knowledge of crimes and serial killers, photographic memory, statistics and probability, explaining concepts to others
Languages:English, a bit of Latin, Cat


  • Color: Blue
  • Food: Cereal
  • Drink: Warm Milk
  • Place: Home
  • Flower: N/A
  • Animal: Cat
  • Subject: Statistics and Forensic Science
  • Book Genre: Mystery
  • Music Genre: Nightcore


  • Mother: N/A
  • Father: N/A
  • Sibling(s): N/A
  • Love Interest: N/A
  • Best Friend: N/A
  • Friend(s): N/A
  • Enemy(s): N/A